Mac OS Roman
MIME | macintosh |
Alias(es) | mac |
Mac OS Roman is a character encoding primarily used by Mac OS to represent text. It encodes 256 characters, the first 128 of which are identical to ASCII, with the remaining characters including mathematical symbols, diacritics, and additional punctuation marks. It is suitable for English and several other Western languages. Mac OS Roman is a superset of the original Macintosh character set, used in System 1.
The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority identifies this encoding using the string "macintosh". The MIME Content-Type for this encoding is therefore "text/plain; charset=macintosh". Mac OS Roman is also referred to as MacRoman or the Apple Standard Roman character set. The Microsoft Windows code page number is 10000.
Codepage layout
The following table shows how characters are encoded in Macintosh Roman. Each character is shown with its Unicode equivalent right below and its decimal code at the bottom.
Control character
Numeric digit
Extended punctuation
Graphic character
_0 | _1 | _2 | _3 | _4 | _5 | _6 | _7 | _8 | _9 | _A | _B | _C | _D | _E | _F | |
0_ |
NUL 0000 0 |
SOH 0001 1 |
STX 0002 2 |
ETX 0003 3 |
EOT 0004 4 |
ENQ 0005 5 |
ACK 0006 6 |
BEL 0007 7 |
BS 0008 8 |
HT 0009 9 |
LF 000A 10 |
VT 000B 11 |
FF 000C 12 |
CR 000D 13 |
SO 000E 14 |
SI 000F 15 |
1_ |
DLE 0010 16 |
DC1⌘ 0011 17 |
DC2⌘ 0012 18 |
DC3⌘ 0013 19 |
DC4⌘ 0014 20 |
NAK 0015 21 |
SYN 0016 22 |
ETB 0017 23 |
CAN 0018 24 |
EM 0019 25 |
SUB 001A 26 |
ESC 001B 27 |
FS 001C 28 |
GS 001D 29 |
RS 001E 30 |
US 001F 31 |
2_ |
SP 0020 32 |
! 0021 33 |
" 0022 34 |
# 0023 35 |
$ 0024 36 |
% 0025 37 |
& 0026 38 |
' 0027 39 |
( 0028 40 |
) 0029 41 |
* 002A 42 |
+ 002B 43 |
, 002C 44 |
- 002D 45 |
. 002E 46 |
/ 002F 47 |
3_ |
0 0030 48 |
1 0031 49 |
2 0032 50 |
3 0033 51 |
4 0034 52 |
5 0035 53 |
6 0036 54 |
7 0037 55 |
8 0038 56 |
9 0039 57 |
: 003A 58 |
; 003B 59 |
< 003C 60 |
= 003D 61 |
> 003E 62 |
? 003F 63 |
4_ |
@ 0040 64 |
A 0041 65 |
B 0042 66 |
C 0043 67 |
D 0044 68 |
E 0045 69 |
F 0046 70 |
G 0047 71 |
H 0048 72 |
I 0049 73 |
J 004A 74 |
K 004B 75 |
L 004C 76 |
M 004D 77 |
N 004E 78 |
O 004F 79 |
5_ |
P 0050 80 |
Q 0051 81 |
R 0052 82 |
S 0053 83 |
T 0054 84 |
U 0055 85 |
V 0056 86 |
W 0057 87 |
X 0058 88 |
Y 0059 89 |
Z 005A 90 |
[ 005B 91 |
\ 005C 92 |
] 005D 93 |
^ 005E 94 |
_ 005F 95 |
6_ |
` 0060 96 |
a 0061 97 |
b 0062 98 |
c 0063 99 |
d 0064 100 |
e 0065 101 |
f 0066 102 |
g 0067 103 |
h 0068 104 |
i 0069 105 |
j 006A 106 |
k 006B 107 |
l 006C 108 |
m 006D 109 |
n 006E 110 |
o 006F 111 |
7_ |
p 0070 112 |
q 0071 113 |
r 0072 114 |
s 0073 115 |
t 0074 116 |
u 0075 117 |
v 0076 118 |
w 0077 119 |
x 0078 120 |
y 0079 121 |
z 007A 122 |
{ 007B 123 |
| 007C 124 |
} 007D 125 |
~ 007E 126 |
DEL 007F 127 |
8_ |
Ä 00C4 128 |
Å 00C5 129 |
Ç 00C7 130 |
É 00C9 131 |
Ñ 00D1 132 |
Ö 00D6 133 |
Ü 00DC 134 |
á 00E1 135 |
à 00E0 136 |
â 00E2 137 |
ä 00E4 138 |
ã 00E3 139 |
å 00E5 140 |
ç 00E7 141 |
é 00E9 142 |
è 00E8 143 |
9_ |
ê 00EA 144 |
ë 00EB 145 |
í 00ED 146 |
ì 00EC 147 |
î 00EE 148 |
ï 00EF 149 |
ñ 00F1 150 |
ó 00F3 151 |
ò 00F2 152 |
ô 00F4 153 |
ö 00F6 154 |
õ 00F5 155 |
ú 00FA 156 |
ù 00F9 157 |
û 00FB 158 |
ü 00FC 159 |
A_ |
† 2020 160 |
° 00B0 161 |
¢ 00A2* 162 |
£ 00A3* 163 |
§ 00A7 164 |
• 2022 165 |
¶ 00B6 166 |
ß 00DF 167 |
® 00AE 168 |
© 00A9* 169 |
™ 2122 170 |
´ 00B4 171 |
¨ 00A8 172 |
≠ 2260 173 |
Æ 00C6 174 |
Ø 00D8 175 |
B_ |
∞ 221E 176 |
± 00B1Plus-minus sign 177 |
≤ 2264 178 |
≥ 2265 179 |
¥ 00A5 180 |
µ 00B5* 181 |
∂ 2202 182 |
∑ 2211 183 |
∏ 220F 184 |
π 03C0 185 |
∫ 222B 186 |
ª 00AA 187 |
º 00BA 188 |
Ω 03A9 189 |
æ 00E6 190 |
ø 00F8 191 |
C_ |
¿ 00BF 192 |
¡ 00A1 193 |
¬ 00AC 194 |
√ 221A 195 |
ƒ 0192 196 |
≈ 2248 197 |
∆ 2206 198 |
« 00AB 199 |
» 00BB 200 |
… 2026 201 |
NBSP 00A0 202 |
À 00C0 203 |
à 00C3 204 |
Õ 00D5 205 |
Œ 0152 206 |
œ 0153 207 |
D_ |
– 2013 208 |
— 2014 209 |
“ 201C 210 |
” 201D 211 |
‘ 2018 212 |
’ 2019 213 |
÷ 00F7 214 |
◊ 25CA 215 |
ÿ 00FF 216 |
Ÿ 0178 217 |
⁄ 2044 218 |
€¤ 20AC 219 |
‹ 2039 220 |
› 203A 221 |
fi FB01 222 |
fl FB02 223 |
E_ |
‡ 2021 224 |
· 00B7 225 |
‚ 201A 226 |
„ 201E 227 |
‰ 2030 228 |
 00C2 229 |
Ê 00CA 230 |
Á 00C1 231 |
Ë 00CB 232 |
È 00C8 233 |
Í 00CD 234 |
Î 00CE 235 |
Ï 00CF 236 |
Ì 00CC 237 |
Ó 00D3 238 |
Ô 00D4 239 |
F_ |
a F8FF 240 |
Ò 00D2 241 |
Ú 00DA 242 |
Û 00DB 243 |
Ù 00D9 244 |
ı 0131 245 |
ˆ 02C6 246 |
˜ 02DC 247 |
¯ 00AF 248 |
˘ 02D8 249 |
˙ 02D9 250 |
˚ 02DA 251 |
¸ 00B8 252 |
˝ 02DD 253 |
˛ 02DB 254 |
ˇ 02C7 255 |
- ^⌘ The (usually nonprintable) character 0x11 mapped to the Command key glyph (⌘) in many fonts, particularly those intended for use as system fonts. It is mappable to the Unicode character U+2318 ⌘ PLACE OF INTEREST SIGN. The codes 0x12, 0x13, and 0x14 were also used for icons to indicate the shift, option, and control keys in menu items.
- ^* The codes 0xA2, 0xA3, 0xA9, 0xB1, and 0xB5 coincidentally have the same character assignment as ISO 8859-1 (and thus Unicode).
- ^¤ Before Mac OS 8.5, the character 0xDB mapped to currency sign (¤), Unicode character U+00A4.
- ^a The character 0xF0 is a solid Apple logo. The Unicode equivalent U+F8FF is in the Corporate Private Use Area, but it is probably not supported on non-Apple platforms.
Application notes
With the release of OS X, Mac OS Roman and all other "scripts" (as the Mac OS called them) were replaced by UTF-8 as the standard character encoding for the Macintosh operating system. However, default character encoding in Java for OS X is still MacRoman (see Mac Dev Center), and the keyboard layout with its combination of control, option, and dead keys still map to the original characters in MacRoman. The default character encoding for Java can be changed to UTF-8 by adding the following line to .bashrc
export set JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dfile.encoding=UTF8"
See also
- Apple Computer, Inc. (1993). Inside Macintosh: Text. New York: Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-63298-5.
- Apple Computer, Inc. (1985). Inside Macintosh Volume I. New York: Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-17731-5.