Global warming propaganda exhibition

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Proponents of global warming theories say there is scientific evidence the Earth is warming up due to manmade carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere[1]. This in itself does not preclude the existence of global warming propaganda used to promote that view.

Propaganda is a form of biased communication, aimed at promoting or demoting certain views, perceptions, or agendas. Propaganda is often associated with the psychological mechanisms of influencing and altering the attitude of a population toward a specific cause, position or political agenda in an effort to form a consensus to a standard set of belief patterns.

Propaganda is information that is not impartial and is used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda, often by presenting facts selectively (perhaps lying by omission) or using rhetorical messages to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information presented.

While the term propaganda has acquired a strongly negative connotation by association with its most manipulative and jingoistic examples, propaganda in its original sense is a neutral descriptive term and can refer to uses that are generally positive.

Global warming skeptics claim that the way global warming is depicted in various corporate, academic, and governmental media can be called propaganda, disingenuous or otherwise, with the ultimate aim of implementing measures to supposedly reduce or reverse it[2][3].

Linguistic exhibits

  • Global warming. This term is used as an abbreviated code phrase, to mean "anthropogenic global warming", which means 'the Earth is getting warmer because we are putting CO2 into the atmosphere'.

  • Climate change. The word "change" does not mean "getting warmer", nor does it mean "getting colder", nor is it specific to temperature. "Climate change" is used as a second layer of coding, to mean "global warming", which is an abbreviation of "anthropogenic global warming" which means 'we are causing the Earth to warm up'.

  • Global warming denier. The original term for someone who expresses doubt or skepticism about the theory and claims of global warming. This is then (historically) switched to:

  • Climate change denier. A switch of "global warming denier" (the oldest phrase), using "climate change" as the switch for "global warming". This is then abbreviated as:

  • Climate denier. An abbreviation of "climate change denier", which is a switch of "global warming denier". An abbreviation of a switch of an abbreviation. This has the rhetorical advantage of making the accused "denier" seem silly- who could deny that climate exists?

  • Greenhouse effect. The "greenhouse effect" of gasses in the atmosphere is used to make an analogy with ordinary greenhouses, which get warmer in sunlight. The term is misapplied, because a real greenhouse gets warmer by physically trapping the heated air inside, not by re-radiation of infrared from the glass walls and roof. A greenhouse works by letting sunlight in, which warms the solid and liquid surfaces inside the structure. This heat energy is then transferred to the air inside the greenhouse. The heated air, which rises (convection), is prevented from leaving the greenhouse. It is trapped inside by the greenhouse glass. The explanation given for the warmer temperature in a real greenhouse, in many sources that promote the "radiative" greenhouse effect, is that incident solar radiation in the visible, long-wavelength ultraviolet, and short-wavelength infrared range of the spectrum passes through the glass roof and walls and is absorbed by the floor, earth, and contents, which become warmer and re-emit the energy as longer-wavelength infrared radiation. Glass and other materials used for greenhouse walls do not transmit infrared radiation, so the infrared cannot escape via radiative transfer, and so returns inside to heat the air some more.

  • Ocean acidification. The ocean is alkaline, with a pH of about 8.2-8.3. It is not "acidic"- the pH would have to first move to 7.0, or neutral, then drop below 7.0 to become acidic. "Ocean alkalinity reduction" would be more accurate. "Alkaline" may not have the same rhetorical punch as "acid".

Imagery exhibits

  • Al Gore's 'polar bear on ice floe' is an admitted and proven Photoshop pasteup.
  • hockey stick graph.

Academic Government Media
Changes in carbon dioxide during the Phanerozoic (the last 542 million years). This is from an online "Global Warming Art Gallery". The graph is drawn backwards, with the recent period on the left side of the plot. "0" is today. At first glance, it looks like CO2 has been rising dramatically.
refer to caption and body text
Atmospheric CO2 The text in this NASA image, which is at the top of their educational page on global warming, says "For 650,000 years..." but the graph only goes back perhaps 425,000 years. The years before today are not aligned with the vertical chart lines. It is not clear how many years this represents.
Global warming was the cover story in this 2007 issue of the American feminist Ms. magazine It is still posted on the Wikipedia page for Global Warming,. The mind works by association. This image associates feminism, racism, and the promotion of Hispanic immigration among other things, with the promotion of Global Warming protests.

Academic exhibits



Video exhibits

An inconvenient truth

Public Education Exhibits
