List of newspapers in Pennsylvania in the 18th century
This is a list of newspapers published in 18th-century Pennsylvania, North America.
Pennsylvania newspapers by town
Newspapers published in Bristol, Pennsylvania:
- Aurora. General Advertiser. D., Aug. 30-Oct. 19, 1799.[1]
Newspapers published in Bustleton, Pennsylvania:
- Porcupine's Gazette. W., Sept. 6-Oct. 26, 1799.[1]
Newspapers published in Carlisle, Pennsylvania:
- The Carlisle Gazette, and The Western Repository Of Knowledge. W., Aug. 10, 1785-Jan. 1, 1794.[1]
- Kline's Carlisle Weekly Gazette. W., Jan. 8, 1794-Dec. 31, 1800+[1]
- The Telegraphe.. W., Feb. 10, 1795-May 3, 1796.[1]
Newspapers published in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania:
- Farmer's Register. W., Apr. 18, 1798-Apr. 10, 1799.[1]
- The Franklin Repository. W., Apr. 21, 1796-Dec. 25, 1800+[1]
Chestnut Hill
Newspapers published in Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania:
- Chesnuthiller Wochenschrift. W., Dec. 15, 1790-Aug. 20, 1793.[1]
Newspapers published in Doylestown, Pennsylvania:
- The Farmers' Weekly Journal. W., July 25 (?), 1800+[1]
Newspapers published in Easton, Pennsylvania:
- American Eagle[2]
- Neuer Unpartheyischer Eastoner Bothe, Und Northampton Kundschafter. W., Aug. (?), 1793-Dec. (?), 1800+[1]
Newspapers published in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania:
- The Gettysburg Times (1800-today)
Newspapers published in Germantown, Pennsylvania:
- Die Germantauner Zeitung. Bi-W., W., Feb. 8, 1785-July 16, 1793.[1]
- Pensylvanische Berichte, Oder, Sammlung Wichtiger Nachrichten Aus Dem Natur- Und Kirchen-Reich. M., S.M., Fortnightly, June 16, 1746-July 1766.[1]
Newspapers published in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania:
- The Harrisburgh Journal, and The Weekly Advertiser. W., Aug. 26. 1789-(?).[1]
- The Oracle Of Dauphin, and Harrisburgh Advertiser. W., Oct. 20, 1792-Dec. 29, 1800+[1]
Newspapers published in Lancaster, Pennsylvania:
- Der Deutsche Porcupein, Und Lancaster Anzeigis-Nachrichten. W., Jan. 3, 1798-Dec. 25, 1799.[1]
- Lancaster Journal. W., June 18, 1794-Dec. 27, 1800+[1]
- Neue Unpartheyische Lancaster Zeitung, Und Anzeigs- Nachrichten. W., Aug. 8, 1787-Nov. 1, 1797 (?).[1]
- The Pennsylvania Packet, Or, The General Advertiser. W., Nov. 29, 1777-June 17, 1778.[1]
- Das Pennsylvanische Zeitungs-Blat, Oder, Sammlung Sowohl Auswartig- Als Einheimischer Neuigkeiten.. W., Feb. 4- June 24, 1778.[1]
Newspapers published in Norristown, Pennsylvania:
- The Norristown Gazette. W., June 15, 1799 – June 6, 1800.[1]
Newspapers published in Northumberland, Pennsylvania:
- The Sunbury and Northumberland Gazette.. W., Oct. 9(?), 1793-Dec. 27, 1800+[1]
Newspapers published in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:
- The American Herald, and General Advertiser. S.W., June 21-July 5, 1784.[1]
- The American Navel and Commercial Register. S.W., Nov. 25- Dec. 19, 1795.[1]
- The American Star. L'Etoile Americaine. TW., W., Apr. 1- May 3, 1794.[1][3]
- The American Star, Or, Historical, Political, Critical, and Moral Journal. T.W., Feb. 1-Mar. 25, 1794.[1]
- The American Weekly Mercury. W., Dec. 22, 1719-May 22 (?), 1746.[1][5]
- Aurora. General Advertiser. D., Nov. 8, 1794-Dec. 1800+[1]
- Bache's Philadelphia Aurora. T.W., June 14, 1797- Mar. 6/7, 1800.[1]
- Carey's Pennsylvania Evening Herald. S.W., Jan. 25- Feb. 8, 1785.[1]
- Carey's Pennsylvania Evening Herald and American Monitor. S.W., Feb. 12-Mar. 22, 1785.[1]
- Carey's United States' Recorder. T.W., Jan. 23-Aug. 30, 1798.[1]
- Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser. D., Jan. 1, 1796- Sept. 30, 1800.[1]
- The Complete Counting House Companion. W., Mar. 19, 1785(?)-Oct. 30, 1790.[1]
- The Constitutional Diary and Philadelphia Evening Advertiser. D., Dec. 2, 1799-Feb. 3, 1800.[1]
- Country Porcupine. T.W., Mar,. 3/5, 1798-Aug. 27/28, 1799.[1]
- Courier De l'Amerique. S.W., July 27-Oct. 26, 1784.[1]
- Courier De l'Amerique. S.W., Dec. 4, 1792-Feb. 22, 1793.[1]
- Courrier Francais. D.,T.,W. Apr. 15, 1794-July 3, 1798.[1]
- The Daily Advertiser. D., Feb. 7-July 4, 1797.[1]
- The Dessert To The True American. W., July 14, 1798- Aug. 19, 1799.[1]
- Dunlap and Claypooles American Daily Advertiser. D., Dec. 9, 1793-Dec. 31, 1795.[1]
- Dunlap's American Daily Advertiser. D., Jan. 1, 1791- Dec. 7, 1793.[1]
- Dunlap's Pennsylvania Packet, Or, The General Advertiser. W., Oct. 25, 1773-Sept. 9, 1777.[1]
- The Evening Chronicle. T.W., S.W., May 5-Nov. 7, 1787.[1]
- The Evening Chronicle, Or, The Philadelphia Advertiser. T.W., Feb. 6-May 3, 1787.[1]
- The Federal Gazette and Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. D., Apr. 1, 1790-Dec. 31, 1793.[1]
- The Federal Gazette, and Philadelphia Evening Post. D., Oct. 1, 1788-Mar. 31, 1790.[1]
- The Federal Gazette, and The Philadelphia Evening Post. T.W., Mar. 8-Apr. 24, 1788.[1]
- Finlay's American Naval and Commercial Register. S.W., Dec. 28, 1795-May 1, 1798.[1]
- The Freeman's Journal, Or, The North-American Intelligencer. W., Apr. 25, 1781-May 16, 1792.[1]
- Gale's Independent Gazetteer. S.W., Sept. 16, 1796- Sept. 12, 1797.[1]
- Gazette of the United States. S.W., Nov. 3, 1790-Sept. 18, 1793.[1][6]
- Gazette Of The United States. D., July 1, 1795 – June 30, 1796.[1]
- Gazette of the United States, & Daily Advertiser. D., June 28-Dec. 31, 1800+[1]
- Gazette of the United States and Daily Evening Advertiser. D., June 12, 1794 – June 30, 1795.[1]
- Gazette of the United States and Evening Advertiser. D., Dec. 11, 1793-June 11, 1794.[1]
- Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. D., July 1, 1796 – June 27, 1800.[1]
- Gemeinnutzigige Philadelphische Correspondenz. W., May 2, 1781-Sept. 24, 1790.[1]
- General Advertiser. D., Aug. 16, 1791-Nov. 7, 1794.[1]
- General Advertiser, and Political, Commercial, Agricultural and Literary Journal. D., Oct. 1, 1790-Aug. 15, 1791.[1]
- Der General-Postbothe An Die Deutsche Nation In Amerika. S.W., Jan. 5, 1790-June 29, 1790.[1]
- Heinrich Millers Pennsylvanisher Staatsbote. S.W, W., May 23, 1775 – May 26, 1779.[1]
- The Independent Gazetteer. S.W., Jan. 11, 1794-Sept. 10, 1796.[1]
- The Independent Gazetteer, and Agricultural Repository. W., Jan. 16, 1790-Jan. 4, 1794.[1]
- The Independent Gazetteer, Or, The Chronicle Of Freedom. W., S.W., D., Apr. 13, 1782-Jan. 9, 1790.[1]
- The Level Of Europe and North America.. Oct. 1, 1794.[1]
- The Level Of Europe and North America, Or, The Observer's Guide. Feb. 9, 1795-Jan. 27, 1796.[1]
- The Mail, Or, Claypoole's Daily Advertiser. D. June 1, 1791-Sept. 30, 1793.[1]
- National Gazette. S.W., Oct. 31, 1791-Oct. 26, 1793.[1][7]
- Neue Philadelphische Correspondenz. S.W., W., Oct. 1, 1790-Nov. 20, 1792.[1]
- The New World. D., Oct. 24, 1796-Aug. 16, 1797.[1]
- The New World, Or, The Morning and Evening Gazette. Twice Daily, Aug. 15, 1796-Oct. 24, 1796.[1]
- The Pennsylvania Chronicle, and Universal Advertiser. W., Jan. 26, 1767-Feb. 8, 1774.[1]
- The Pennsylvania Evening Herald: and The American Monitor. S.W., Mar. 26, 1785-May 27, 1786.[1]
- The Pennsylvania Evening Post. T.W., S.W., Jan. 24, 1775- July 30, 1781.[1]
- The Pennsylvania Evening Post, and Daily Advertiser. D., May 30, 1783-Oct. 26, 1784.[1]
- The Pennsylvania Evening Post, and Public Advertiser. D., Aug. 3, 1781-May 19, 1783.[1]
- The Pennsylvania Gazette. W., Oct. 2, 1729-Sept. 10, 1777; Dec. 20, 1777-June 20, 1778; Nov. 13, 1782-Dec. 24, 1800+[1]
- The Pennsylvania Gazette, and Weekly Advertiser. W., Jan. 5, 1779-Nov. 6, 1782.[1]
- The Pennsylvania Herald, and General Advertiser. S.W., T.W., May 31, 1786-Feb. 14, 1788.[1]
- The Pennsylvania Journal, and The Weekly Advertiser. W., Jan. 30, 1766-Sept. 1777.[1]
- The Pennsylvania Journal and The Weekly Advertiser. W., S.W., May 17, 1780-Sept. 18, 1793.[1]
- The Pennsylvania Journal, and Weekly Advertiser. W., June 13, 1751-Jan. 23, 1766.[1]
- The Pennsylvania Journal and Weekly Advertiser. W., Dec. 23, 1778-May 10, 1780.[1]
- The Pennsylvania Journal, Or, Weekly Advertiser. W., Dec. 21, 1742-June 6, 1751.[1]
- The Pennsylvania Ledger, Or, The Philadelphia Market-Day Advertiser. S.W., Dec. 3, 1777-May 23, 1778.[1]
- The Pennsylvania Ledger, Or, The Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, & New-Jersey Weekly Advertiser. W., Jan. 28, 1775-Nov. 30, 1776.[1]
- The Pennsylvania Ledger, Or, The Weekly Advertiser. W., Oct. 10-Nov. 26, 1777.[1]
- The Pennsylvania Mercury, and Philadelphia Price-Current. T.W., W., July 21, 1791-Mar. 1, 1792.[1]
- The Pennsylvania Mercury, and The Universal Advertiser. W., Apr. 7, 1775.[1]
- The Pennsylvania Mercury, and Universal Advertiser. W., T.W., Aug. 20, 1784-July 19, 1791.[1]
- The Pennsylvania Packet, and Daily Advertiser. D., Sept. 21, 1784-Dec. 31, 1790.[1]
- The Pennsylvania Packet, and General Advertiser. T.W., Oct. 14, 1783-Sept. 18, 1784.[1]
- The Pennsylvania Packet. and The General Advertiser. W., Oct. 28, 1771-Oct. 18, 1773.[1]
- The Pennsylvania Packet, Or, The General Advertiser. T.W., S.W., July 4, 1778-Oct. 11, 1783.[1]
- Pennsylvanische Fama, Oder, Ordentlicher Relation Derer Einlauffenden Neuigkeiten. W., Feb. 1748(?)-1751.[1]
- Die Pennsylvanische Gazette, Oder, Der Allgemeine Americanische Zeitungs-Schreiber. W., Feb. 3, 1779.[1]
- Pennsylvanische Staats-Courier. W., Oct. 4, 1777- June(?), 1778.[1]
- The Philadelphia Aurora. T.W., Mar. 10-Nov. 5, 1800.[1]
- The Philadelphia Gazette & Daily Advertiser. D., June 18- Dec. 31, 1800+[1]
- The Philadelphia Gazette and Universal Daily Advertiser. D., Jan. 1, 1794-June 17, 1800.[1]
- The Philadelphia Minerva. W., Feb. 7, 1795-July 7, 1798.[1]
- The Philadelphia Price Current. B.W., Oct. (?), 1783- Nov. (?), 1785.[1]
- Philadelphische Correspondenz. W., S.W., Nov. 27, 1792- April, 1800.[1]
- Philadelphischer Zeitung. May 6, 1732-(?)[1]
- Porcupine's Gazette. D., Apr. 24, 1797-Aug. 28, 1799.[1]
- Porcupine's Gazette and United States Daily Advertiser. D., Mar. 4-Apr. 22, 1797.[1]
- Poulson's American Daily Advertiser. D., Oct. 1, 1800+[1]
- The Royal Pennsylvania Gazette. S.W., Mar. 3-May 26, 1778.[1]
- Southwark Gazette, and Philadelphia Chronicle. T.W., July 15-Aug. 1, 1797.[1]
- Story & Humphreys's Pennsylvania Mercury, and Universal Advertiser. W., Apr. 14-Dec. 22, 1775.[1]
- The Supporter, Or, Daily Repast. D., W., Apr. 4 (?)- Nov. 10, 1800.[1]
- The True American and Commercial Advertiser. D., July 2, 1798-Dec. 31, 1800+[1]
- The Universal Gazette. Indexed. W., Nov. 16, 1797- Sept. 11, 1800.[1]
- The Universal Instructor In All Arts and Sciences, and Pennsylvania Gazette. W., Dec. 24, 1728-Sept. 25, 1729.[1]
- Der Wochentliche Philadelphische Staatsbote. W., Jan. 18, 1762-Dec. 28, 1767.[1]
- Der Wochentliche Pennsylvanische Staatsbote. W., Jan. 5, 1768-May 16, 1775.[1]
Newspapers published in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:
- The Pittsburgh Gazette. W., Jul. 29, 1786–Dec. (?), 1800+
- The Tree Of Liberty. W., Aug. 16, 1800+[1]
Newspapers published in Reading, Pennsylvania:
- Neue Unpartheyische Readinger Zeitung, Und Anzeigs- Nachrichten. W., Feb. 18, 1789-Dec. 31, 1800+[1]
- Der Unpartheyische Reading Adler. W., Nov.29, 1796- Jan. 10, 1797.[1]
- Der Unpartheyische Readinger Adler. W., Jan. 17, 1797- Dec. 30, 1800+[1]
- The Weekly Advertiser, Of Reading, In The County Of Berks. W., May 7, 1796-Dec. 27, 1800+[1]
Newspapers published in Washington, Pennsylvania:
- Herald Of Liberty. W., Feb. 6, 1798-Dec. 31, 1800+[1]
Newspapers published in York, Pennsylvania:
- The Pennsylvania Herald, and York General Advertiser. W., Jan. 7, 1789-Jan. (?), 1800.[1]
See also
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Further reading
- Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
- "Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690-1820 Part XII: Pennsylvania (A-N)" Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society 30(1): 81-150. 1921
- "Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690-1820 Part XIV: Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh to York)" Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society 32(2): 346-379. 1923
- ↑ 1.000 1.001 1.002 1.003 1.004 1.005 1.006 1.007 1.008 1.009 1.010 1.011 1.012 1.013 1.014 1.015 1.016 1.017 1.018 1.019 1.020 1.021 1.022 1.023 1.024 1.025 1.026 1.027 1.028 1.029 1.030 1.031 1.032 1.033 1.034 1.035 1.036 1.037 1.038 1.039 1.040 1.041 1.042 1.043 1.044 1.045 1.046 1.047 1.048 1.049 1.050 1.051 1.052 1.053 1.054 1.055 1.056 1.057 1.058 1.059 1.060 1.061 1.062 1.063 1.064 1.065 1.066 1.067 1.068 1.069 1.070 1.071 1.072 1.073 1.074 1.075 1.076 1.077 1.078 1.079 1.080 1.081 1.082 1.083 1.084 1.085 1.086 1.087 1.088 1.089 1.090 1.091 1.092 1.093 1.094 1.095 1.096 1.097 1.098 1.099 1.100 1.101 1.102 1.103 1.104 1.105 1.106 1.107 1.108 1.109 1.110 1.111 1.112 1.113 1.114 1.115 1.116 1.117 1.118 1.119 1.120 1.121 1.122 1.123 Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
- ↑ Ethan Allen Weaver, Thomas B. Dick. "The American Eagle": The First English Newspaper Printed in Northampton County, Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. 23, No. 1 (1899), pp. 69-76
- ↑ Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
- ↑ Steven J. Shaw. Colonial Newspaper Advertising: A Step toward Freedom of the Press. The Business History Review, Vol. 33, No. 3 (Autumn, 1959), pp. 409-420
- ↑ The First Philadelphia Newspaper and Its Republication by the Colonial Society. The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. 22, No. 2 (1898), pp. 217-220.
- ↑ Jeffrey L. Pasley. The Two National "Gazettes": Newspapers and the Embodiment of American Political Parties. Early American Literature, Vol. 35, No. 1 (2000), pp. 51-86
- ↑ Pasley, 2000
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- Newspapers published in Pennsylvania
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- Pennsylvania-related lists
- 18th century-related lists
- History of Pennsylvania
- 18th century in Pennsylvania
- Defunct newspapers of Pennsylvania
- Lists of defunct newspapers in the United States