Lists of mosques
From Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core
Lists of mosques include:
- List of famous mosques, a selection of mosques among the most famous, worldwide
- List of first mosques by country
- List of largest mosques
- List of the oldest mosques in the world
and comprehensive lists of notable mosques by geographical areas:
- List of mosques in Africa
- List of mosques in the Americas
- List of mosques in the Arab League
- List of mosques in Asia
- List of mosques in Bangladesh
- List of mosques in China
- List of mosques in Hong Kong
- List of mosques in India
- List of mosques in Indonesia
- List of mosques in Iran
- List of mosques in Iraq
- List of mosques in Israel
- List of mosques in Malaysia
- List of mosques in Pakistan
- List of mosques in Palestine
- List of mosques in Singapore
- List of mosques in Syria
- List of mosques in Taiwan
- List of mosques in Thailand
- List of mosques in Turkey
- List of mosques in Europe
- List of mosques in Oceania