Powers & Principalities, Episode 045, YouTube Auto-Generated Transcription

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Powers & Principalities, Episode 045

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The true origins of German National Socialism.


The transcription text below is a YouTube auto-generated English transcription from Powers & Principalities, Episode 045, published by "thkelly67" on 2018-03-31 with a running time of 1:40:02. All episodes of the Powers & Principalities weekly audio interview series between Joseph Atwill and Tim Kelly are included in this playlist on YouTube and are also available as audio podcast downloads on Tim Kelly's "Our Interesting Times" channel on Podomatic.

All transcription copyrights belong to Tim Kelly (thkelly67) & Joseph Atwill.

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YouTube auto-generated English transcription

00:00 [Music] 00:27 the 00:29 [Music] 00:38 [Music] 00:42 Joe how you doing just fine Tim standing 00:47 solid and forthright and haven't been 00:50 evacuated in two weeks so yeah really 00:54 good happy mood alright so let's say 00:57 this hope there's no drought the spring 01:01 or summer 01:01 we're wildfires rule Oh droughts fires 01:04 floods avalanches frogs it doesn't 01:09 matter what they throw at us we're we're 01:11 we're like the Israelites you know I 01:13 mean we just somehow always escaped the 01:16 curses and end up in a good place well 01:19 tonight you wanted to talk about well 01:21 the true origins of the Nazi Party the 01:26 National social Socialist German Workers 01:28 Party NSDAP of course the Nazi Party 01:34 that's as it's commonly referred to 01:36 that's what the English called it so it 01:38 kind of took hold it's described by 01:42 Wikipedia as a far-right political party 01:45 and Germany that was active between 1920 01:47 and 1945 and practiced the ideology of 01:51 Nazism or National Socialism its 01:54 precursor the German Workers Party 01:55 existed from 1919 to 1920 and that's the 02:00 Nazi Party emerged from the German 02:02 nationals racist and populist freak or 02:04 peppermint paramilitary culture which 02:07 fought against the communists uprisings 02:09 in post-war Berlin Germany party was 02:12 created as a means to draw workers away 02:14 from communism and into the focused 02:16 nationalism initially Nazi political 02:19 strategy focused on anti-big business an 02:21 anti Buchwald anti-capitalist rhetoric 02:23 although chefs especially later 02:25 downplayed in order to gain the support 02:27 of industrial entities and the 1930s the 02:30 party's focus shifted to anti-semitic 02:32 and anti-marxist themes Krista developed 02:37 pseudo scientific racism various 02:39 theories were important to the doctrine 02:42 of national socialism the Nazis a 02:45 propagated idea of a people's community 02:48 their aim was to unite racially 02:51 desirable Germans as a national as 02:53 national comrades while excluding those 02:55 deemed either to be political dissidents 02:58 physically or intellectually inferior or 02:59 a foreign race the Nazis sought to 03:03 improve the stock of the German people 03:05 through racial purity and eugenics Chris 03:07 you know they weren't unique in that 03:10 broad social welfare programs and a 03:13 collective subordination of the 03:14 individual of individual rights which 03:16 could be sacrificed for the good of the 03:18 state and the so called Aryan master 03:21 race the party's leader since 1921 was 03:24 one Adolf Hitler I think most people 03:28 know who he was was appointed Chancellor 03:30 of Germany or maybe they don't 03:31 Chancellor of Germany by President Paul 03:34 von Hindenburg on 30 January 1933 Hitler 03:37 rapidly established a totalitarian 03:39 regime known as the Third Reich 03:41 following the defeat of the Third Reich 03:43 at the conclusion of World War two in 03:45 Europe the party was declared to be 03:47 illegal by the occupying Allied powers 03:49 who carried out a denazification program 03:52 in the years after the war so that's 03:54 sort of a brief history of the Nazi 03:57 party's courtesy the good people at 04:00 Wikipedia so Joe what do you think of 04:03 that summation Wow I never actually read 04:07 the Wikipedia description of Nazism it's 04:11 it's absolute nonsense and basically is 04:15 propaganda I think that the Jewish 04:20 comedian Mel Brooks was closer to the 04:25 flavor of the thing in the movie the 04:27 producers when he he's saying if you 04:31 want to be a smarty come and joined the 04:33 Nazi Party you know and of course he was 04:39 wearing a Gestapo outfit you know as 04:42 they'd like to do to Lampoon the whole 04:44 thing now actually the the Nazi Party 04:48 actually comes or at least at the legal 04:50 entity the Nazi Party comes from the 04:52 tool society the tool Society was 04:56 oh by the way that's actually mentioned 04:59 later on in the Wikipedia article I'm 05:02 glad that they do mention it I'm like go 05:04 ahead I'm sorry 05:04 anyway they so so this was the 05:07 mechanical legal process of the Nazi 05:10 Party is that the tool Society developed 05:12 it and then you basically had a 05:19 collection of people who had been 05:21 influenced by the ideas in the tool 05:24 Society supposably which were primarily 05:27 occult ideas I'll get into that and then 05:33 and and it was a blending of National 05:37 Socialism with this occult kind of 05:43 understanding of the world and I would 05:47 argue that in fact there were two forces 05:55 that were being erected perhaps three 05:57 that were being developed by one 06:00 organization and the Nazi Party was 06:02 simply one of them the other was Zionism 06:08 and anti-semitism which was ultimately 06:12 shared by both groups by it was promoted 06:18 by the Zionists but it was also 06:21 obviously became a you know huge 06:24 component of the Nazi Party the whole 06:27 journey begins 06:28 oddly enough with palmerston as so many 06:34 of these things do him again yeah but 06:37 you know the thing the thing is is that 06:39 what I what I'm actually going to lay 06:41 out is that the what was actually being 06:48 done was the creation of a very 06:53 organized system of control using 06:57 nationalism and and so Germany was 07:03 basically you know through various means 07:07 it was it was taken over 07:10 and the strong nationalist force held it 07:13 in place and the purpose of this was to 07:16 create obedience so that the soldiers 07:20 would basically fight to the death and 07:24 and you know you so when you when you 07:28 look at you know like how as I&M; was 07:33 created by Freemasonry right because 07:35 this is not as it's sometimes 07:37 characterized the British elites are the 07:41 British royal family developing Zionism 07:44 I mean this is not correct 07:47 Palmerston Shaftesbury and Charles 07:51 Warren the people I'm going to be 07:54 talking about all of them are Masons 07:56 okay and so for some reason a group 08:01 inside Freemasonry because these are all 08:04 very high level individuals so it wasn't 08:07 just common Freemasonry that was coming 08:09 up with this idea of creating the 08:13 Zionist movement but this group did 08:18 decide that they would they would do so 08:20 they were they would create the process 08:22 by which the State of Israel would occur 08:25 and at that time in the mid 19th 08:30 centuries 1840 1850 that a huge problem 08:32 had overcome which was integration here 08:36 in the United States you know 08:37 integration is sort of a force-fed 08:39 political correct concept but there was 08:43 just happening naturally sin terms of 08:45 Jews and Gentiles there was like for 08:48 example in Germany a marriage of Jews as 08:54 as they can determine by percentage of 08:57 60% to Gentiles so you don't really have 09:02 a lot of anti-semitism evidently in play 09:06 at this point so you had the series of 09:13 British freemason iterations building up 09:18 Zionism one of them was this thing 09:21 called the Quatro 09:22 Notty it's a term for a lodge particular 09:27 lodge that was very powerful it was a 09:30 research lodge and the research that it 09:32 was doing was in regards to the ancient 09:38 history of Israel it had this Lodge had 09:42 taken on the the the movement that that 09:46 Palmerston and chatsberry had begun when 09:50 they made public statements that it was 09:52 now time for the Jews to return to their 09:55 homeland and so Quattro Corps Nadi was 09:59 founded by this guy Charles Warren he 10:02 had been there digging and this was a 10:04 big thing to go to Israel and dig up the 10:07 artifacts to prove the existence of 10:10 ancient Israel and also to basically a 10:13 Warren was there to do a survey to 10:17 determine you know if it could be a 10:20 reread configured as a nation and he 10:25 said yes we have to help the Jew return 10:30 the Bible says this is a good idea we 10:32 need at least four million Jews in this 10:34 in this area in Israel to reestablish 10:37 Israel now this was a time when this is 10:39 going on in 19th century the British 10:41 don't have any control over this area 10:43 it's a part of the Ottoman Empire so 10:45 it's very very peculiar and then of 10:46 course there's also there's this 10:48 peculiarities about why in the world the 10:54 British Royals would take on something 10:57 as arcane as the creation of Zionism as 11:01 Freemasons that will makes it makes a 11:03 more sense because the Freemasons are so 11:05 focused on the rebuilding of the temple 11:07 and so this as a freemason project at 11:11 least you know it's not completely 11:13 incoherent now quatro core naty then is 11:18 this is the basis for then Herzl who 11:21 then takes on Zionism as a separate 11:23 project focus is on it and Herzl is 11:27 always talking about the how useful 11:31 anti-semitism is because the idea being 11:33 is that there 11:35 create motivation for Jewish people in 11:39 Europe to basically returned Israel and 11:43 leave Europe and to go to this strange 11:45 country with no resources based on these 11:48 historical legends and religious stories 11:52 and then recreate the nation of Israel 11:55 so Herzl is you know is receiving money 11:59 directly from the groups involved in the 12:01 Quattro corona' D and so it's it's a 12:04 pretty straight forward trajectory that 12:07 the British not elite Freemasons for 12:12 some reason created the entire movement 12:15 of Zionism which led to the creation of 12:17 Israel and of course then the Balfour 12:20 Declaration is is is the summit you know 12:27 total of all of their efforts and and 12:30 then that says that the British nation 12:32 would look favorably upon the 12:34 establishment of the of a Jewish nation 12:36 now what is strange it is that the 12:42 Quattro for Nadi is also responsible for 12:46 the creation of the Nazi Party okay now 12:50 this is very very odd needs needs more 12:53 sunlight on it because what happens is a 12:59 Pumbaa for the quattro core Nadi 13:02 his name is John Yorker 13:06 he is the supreme commander you know I 13:09 don't have the titles but he's 33rd 13:11 degree you know high up Mason and he 13:15 decides that it's time to create a new 13:19 branch of a Freemasonry and it's going 13:25 to be an occult branch and of course 13:28 Freemasonry had quite a bit of a cult as 13:31 a minute but Yarger wants to have this 13:34 new one which he calls Memphis and MS 13:41 room and it's going to be for some 13:44 reason he he has this idea that this 13:47 will 13:48 is necessary and he then goes and he 13:54 decides that in order to promote it he's 13:57 going to basically give an individual a 14:00 lot of power and so you now have a some 14:03 a woman named Helen 14:05 Blavatsky and she is given a there's 14:15 actually a written document which that 14:19 Jaeger created which has in it the this 14:25 promotion of of Helen Pulaski as not 14:30 only as a Mason but it says that that 14:33 she will she says that we the sovereign 14:37 Grand Mason and last degree you know by 14:41 virtue of a high authority do declare 14:45 and proclaim our illustrious and 14:47 enlightened brother now that's an 14:49 important point I'm getting it back to 14:50 that a second Helen Blavatsky supply 14:54 sublime elect Scotch lady the grand 14:57 elect and then they talk about all of 14:59 the accolades they give to her okay 15:01 so she gets this something she set into 15:04 motion by the Quattro karate and they 15:07 actually call her a brother which as far 15:10 as I can tell that this is the only time 15:12 a woman has ever given the title by 15:14 Mason I said only I can find so she's 15:17 very high up for some reason now she 15:24 creates a philosophy to contain this 15:29 this new a cult aspect of Freemasonry 15:35 and she calls it theosophy that means 15:38 the god knowledge now God knowledge is 15:47 you know is an organization which is 15:50 actually a kind of brand virtually for 15:56 the individuals who are then related to 15:59 the creation of the 16:00 Nazi Party because theosophy she merges 16:07 her organization with National Socialism 16:11 that is being promoted by other 16:13 Freemasons the Bellamy's the Bellamy's 16:16 are in the United States that is around 16:19 1880 one of them has written there's a 16:25 there two of them one is a their cousins 16:27 and one is written a book that forget 16:33 the title of it but it's looking 16:35 backward looking backward exactly 16:37 looking backward and so looking backward 16:40 is even though no one knows about it 16:42 today it's what it was one of the most 16:43 powerful books and culture during the 16:46 end of the 19th century in fact scholars 16:50 who did reviews of books of this era 16:53 that and and the power of culture that 16:55 they had listed it's second to Das 16:58 Kapital Marx's book so gives you an idea 17:01 of like what we're talking about how 17:03 powerful now oddly enough even though 17:06 you there's no particular reason why the 17:09 Bellamy's who are promoting the value of 17:12 National Socialism would do so they 17:16 become Thea Theosophists so they are 17:19 have this combination of theosophy and 17:22 Freemasonry right they for some reason 17:26 are buying into Blavatsky's combination 17:31 of of these of these two forces 17:35 Blavatsky also developed the idea of 17:38 Aryan supremacy now she wrote a book the 17:43 secret doctrine which I think no one has 17:46 ever gotten through it kind of reminded 17:48 me of Josephus --is wars of the Jews I 17:52 mean it's just so boring that's just 17:54 impossible to plow through but it's 17:58 highly rational it's like 500 600 pages 18:01 long and and buried away in air she 18:04 brings up the concept of the Aryan race 18:06 she's talking about races as kind of 18:11 metaphysical forces 18:13 you know and she brings back the concept 18:17 of the Aryan race which is the 18:20 provenance is not completely clear but 18:23 apparently develops in India and sans 18:27 script and it's you know perhaps the 18:30 cinnamon for Europeans but this is 18:32 disputed and no one really knows how a 18:35 Bulevar ski gets the term but she 18:37 started talking about the Aryans and she 18:39 talks about them as being racially 18:43 superior okay 18:46 now this is amazing 18:49 that you know she has come up with this 18:54 concept it's sort of like when Lord 18:59 Palmerston in 1842 said it's time for 19:02 the Jews to return to the homeland and 19:04 the two scratched their head and said 19:06 what are you talking about you know it's 19:08 like who's interested in this well 19:10 Blavatsky it's the same thing she comes 19:12 up with this concept of the Aryan race 19:15 and she actually describes a bunch of 19:17 races that are inferior to it okay so 19:21 anyway this this then is the the now she 19:29 then influences a number of people and 19:32 I'm gonna go into like some of them but 19:35 one of them is Sabaton dwarf who is a 19:38 freemason and he's also a theosophist 19:40 right he's a follower of the Blavatsky 19:45 levansky also develops the masonic 19:48 swastika as her personal emblem of this 19:52 aspect of her Theosophical society she 19:56 has these things called the mystic 19:58 brooches and she has it on her her 20:01 letterhead and it's the the the nazi 20:06 party version of the swastika in other 20:08 words it's right-angled and it's tilted 20:11 45 yeah so she's got that this is where 20:15 the this is where this comes from so so 20:18 when so we looked at the Wikipedia 20:20 description of Nazism it's you know it's 20:22 really I don't know I don't mean because 20:25 the fact is is that 20:26 the National Socialism comes from this 20:30 the movement that the Bellamy's were 20:33 developing which they took to Germany 20:35 they actually went to Germany and 20:36 developed the beginning of the of what 20:39 becomes a National Socialist Movement 20:41 let's just stop for a second National 20:44 Socialism is is basically nationalism 20:48 it's the idea of creating a nation right 20:51 so the same problem that the Freemasons 20:56 in Britain were having in terms of their 20:59 vision for Israel the people who were 21:02 going to create the Nazi Party and have 21:05 this organized Germany and Italy they 21:07 had the same problem 21:08 there wasn't much nationalism right it 21:12 just didn't it wasn't in motion the the 21:15 people had the German language but that 21:17 was kind of actually more regional the 21:20 German nation really wasn't until after 21:24 we'll work one where you know when the 21:26 lines became so sharply divided it was 21:28 it was a little it was a little less of 21:32 a national force and this was 21:35 particularly the case in in Italy um 21:39 both living in those niches Bellamy's 21:42 brother he's one that penned these the 21:46 pledge of allegiance exactly right and 21:50 not only the Pledge of Allegiance but 21:52 the arm salute yes until they arm the 21:56 arm salute which was then adopted by the 21:58 Nazi Party comes from the National 22:01 Socialists in the United States who 22:03 developed the Pledge of Allegiance this 22:04 was the first time that u.s. we then we 22:07 then changed it to a flag salute which 22:09 where people have put their hand over 22:10 their heart or hole through their 22:12 forehead like isn't a slight in effect 22:13 but originally the Bellamy's have it in 22:16 the same arm structure that then becomes 22:18 used by by the Nazi Party it's just why 22:21 do you mention the extra develop the 22:24 German nationalism it's important to the 22:28 force of national image it grew out of 22:30 the French Revolution because it was the 22:32 rise of Napoleon 22:34 when Napoleon seized power he United 22:37 France under the Nationals banner sort 22:39 of exporting the revolution and it was 22:42 the war in the poliana quarry like 22:46 Austerlitz and and yenna 22:48 the defeat of Austrian pressure which 22:50 caused the collapse of the Holy Roman 22:52 Empire brought defeated oppressions and 22:55 these things and me then he installed 22:58 this like confederation of Rhine and the 22:59 was at the Grand Duchy of Warsaw 23:01 Piedmont these these vassal states but 23:05 really the German national was born as a 23:07 reaction to French nationalism which 23:10 which grew out of the French Revolution 23:11 and sonic project was a sonic project 23:15 and then you had this too that the 19th 23:16 century I think roughly from 1819 up 23:19 until 1870 you had the gradual 23:22 unification the German states you know 23:25 Kristin under Bismarck in the 23:28 franco-prussian war 23:29 you have Germany as a state 1871 the 23:32 same time also Italy under under Masonic 23:35 auspices as well being being unified 23:38 Garibaldi and there's people knees so 23:40 this is yes it really is a this is a 23:42 force sort of it there's a zeitgeist and 23:47 also as I case has been created by the 23:49 secret society and that that's the key 23:52 is that if you actually look at where 23:54 the different aspects are coming from 23:55 you can see masonry and theosophy in 23:58 every single case and I'm gonna go into 24:00 like why this is eventually giving us a 24:03 very clear picture as to what is really 24:04 happening what the real history is and 24:06 I'm just gonna because you mentioned 24:08 Garibaldi I'm gonna stop and just 24:09 describe him for a second because before 24:12 John Yeager who was the head of Quattro 24:17 Coronado the you know the Freemason 24:22 Lodge the research light of promoting 24:23 Zionism and then also set Nazism in 24:26 motion Yeager Creek created this 24:31 particular brand of mysticism he created 24:34 these two aspects you know one of them 24:37 was Memphis he called the Memphis and MS 24:39 remand but where did he get this concept 24:43 from well actually he was 24:47 using the work of Garibaldi Garibaldi 24:50 had actually developed these concepts 24:52 and so Quattro Corps not even picked up 24:55 the mason Garibaldi's work for the 24:58 occult now in Garr baldies case it's 25:01 clear he wasn't just an Italian 25:03 nationalist right he was trying to set 25:05 all of the small vassal states in Italy 25:10 into a unified situation he kept both in 25:12 his entire life he kept trying to bring 25:15 about a unification in the same way that 25:18 the you know the elite British 25:22 Freemasons are trying to unify Israel 25:25 and then Bellamy's nationalism ends up 25:30 in Germany right where it becomes a 25:31 focus of control Garibaldi is also a 25:35 theist he's not just a freemason see 25:37 it's this very particular strand of 25:40 Freemasonry that that you see in the 25:43 Quattro Corps naughty with Zionism that 25:46 you see with Blavatsky and and then you 25:50 also then you realize it's coming in 25:52 into the into Italy and you can you can 25:55 see that this this is impossible really 25:58 when you think about how few individuals 26:00 are involved in this in Freemasonry in 26:04 general and then that the theosophist 26:09 version of Freemasonry is just that just 26:12 be a few hundred people and yet I'll 26:14 show that all of these individuals who 26:16 are you know involved in the production 26:19 of the Nazi Party the different aspects 26:21 of it have that have this this 26:23 combination the Bellamy's Blavatsky 26:26 Garibaldi these are all the the people 26:29 who are creating if you look at the 26:31 elements of the Nazis if you look at 26:32 National Socialism if you look at this 26:34 the the salute if you look at the 26:37 swastika and you they all come from from 26:41 this organization and so this there's 26:44 something here that is not getting 26:46 enough attention because it's as I as we 26:53 go forward you'll see that net it'll 26:54 become just an overwhelming question 26:57 here in a few seconds because 27:00 the the financing of the of the project 27:07 if you look at how the Nazi Party which 27:10 was this you know tiny little apparatus 27:13 when Hitler takes it over it has a 27:16 background in the occult and of course 27:19 in in these Aryan racial ideas right but 27:23 it has no money but yet in a few years 27:27 it becomes the most powerful political 27:29 force in Germany how does that happen 27:30 well the money is actually coming from 27:33 Montague Norman he is the one who is 27:38 actually organizing the finances of the 27:43 Nazi Party he's working with a German a 27:46 freemason whose name is shocked how Maus 27:50 shocked you yes exactly now just to 27:52 digress for a second who is shocked 27:56 who's in Sunday's middle name was Horace 27:58 Greeley yes I parents have a sense of 28:01 humor anyway so shocked is a freemason 28:04 but it's from a very strange Lodge 28:07 there's not much known about this guy 28:09 he's kind of buried but he was at 28:12 Nuremberg and then he was he was honest 28:14 he wasn't convicted yeah I was a little 28:19 weak he was he was a member of the lodge 28:22 that was the first one that was 28:28 permitted to exist after the Allied 28:31 occupation and was the only Lodge that 28:34 was actually in motion in Germany after 28:36 the Allies had defeated the Nazis he so 28:40 you can see there's you know something 28:42 peculiar about this particular Lodge 28:44 it's not known but in any case that is 28:49 that is a fact and and so Montague 28:52 Norman he would meet with him they had 28:56 many many meetings might you know saw 28:58 what schmuck want to be Norman's 29:00 position okay he is the head of the Bank 29:03 of England that sounds very important it 29:05 is very important but beyond that he 29:08 also has a family investment banking 29:11 firm and it's called 29:13 brothers oh yeah this is his family's 29:19 investment banking company they own he 29:24 merges it with Averell Harriman his 29:29 organization to become Brown Brothers 29:31 Harriman and this prescott bush works 29:33 for which then of course you get into 29:36 prescott bush but moreover if you look 29:39 at here its wikipedia time again if you 29:41 just go to you know Brown Brothers 29:42 Harriman look at the list of people who 29:45 are skullenbones on the US side 29:47 I mean it's 100 percent well it's 95 29:50 percent our Skull and Bones members now 29:52 bear in mind we are in a post-911 world 29:55 and you know we saw Skull and Bones I 29:59 mean George Bush jr. of course you know 30:01 it during that particular operation you 30:04 look at the Kennedy assassination and 30:06 you just see the stench of Skull and 30:08 Bones just everywhere so the fact that 30:10 that Montague Norman is merging with a 30:14 basically a skull and bones investment 30:16 bank to create a financial entity which 30:19 is able to then maneuver money to 30:22 Germany is its very talented right in 30:25 other words the obvious question is that 30:27 while we are we dealing with another 30:29 operation just a big one right the 30:32 creation of World War two and you know 30:34 creation of the Nazi Party and I and I 30:37 and I am absolutely sure that we are 30:39 because not only is Montague Norman a 30:45 freemason but he's a theo fist now you 30:50 see this is really getting strange 30:52 because there's no particular reason 30:53 that an investment banker would want to 30:55 be something like at creig's theöthis 30:57 because if you look at the actual 30:58 philosophy that Polaski lays out in the 31:01 secret doctrine it's beyond crackpot 31:03 right I mean it's just completely 31:06 crackpot in fact I'll go into why with 31:08 that all that mysticism all the damn 31:10 mysticism at all the Aleister Crowley is 31:12 part of this whole thing 31:13 all the mysticism are suffering with is 31:15 just a it's a kind of it's just an op to 31:19 confuse people it's kind of giving them 31:21 a metaphysical worker's paradise it's 31:24 just the it's just a it's Marxism 31:29 except using fantasy occult ideas but 31:33 the whole purpose of it which was 31:35 outlined by Blavatsky was to create a 31:39 world religious leader right so I'm 31:43 gonna go into some of Hitler's 31:44 statements you know like like what he 31:47 actually said because this is really 31:50 what Parvati is trying to set up this is 31:52 what this whole process is all about now 31:54 are you going to draw the connections 31:56 between Brown Brothers Harriman and some 31:59 of these German cartels my thing is that 32:04 there is a whole world of research about 32:07 this and I'm gone kind of in a different 32:10 you know kind of overview something I 32:12 think is people are I think it's 32:14 interesting that these absolutely go 32:17 into it as to how they were able to 32:19 maneuver the money into basically 32:22 supporting the Nazi Party I G Farben 32:25 which is a Warburg concern and sure you 32:29 also have you know the feet Fritz 32:30 Thiessen and this the steelworks and 32:33 these things and so you have all this 32:34 month there that they're heavily 32:35 invested in Germany's rearmament and 32:38 industrialization in in the 30s at a 32:41 critical time and also the bankers are 32:43 able to they cut off the credit to 32:46 Germany to collapse the economy to 32:49 create the political hysteria and 32:53 problems in Germany they read that aids 32:56 Hitler's rise to power and those sailor 32:58 comes to power the credit flows again 33:00 exactly the idea is to create the chaos 33:04 that the ruler the this religious ruler 33:08 can come forward but they certainly know 33:12 that it where it's actually going to all 33:16 end in other words this is you know the 33:18 war is just basically a kind of pageant 33:22 to reduce population of the Germans and 33:25 the Italians yeah and it's it's it's 33:29 absolutely clear because you not only 33:34 have a this bizarre identifying marker 33:38 of the Theia ffice in Montague Norman 33:41 who is he you know Brown Brothers family 33:46 you know bank investment banking guy 33:48 who's a you know financier running the 33:50 Bank of England so he ran it for a 33:52 longer period of time than anyone else 33:53 ever did I think he was in there for 33:55 like 25 years so he wasn't just powerful 33:58 he was the guy and and pretty much like 34:01 1990 the 1944 I think yeah exactly right 34:05 so he is like this incredibly 34:07 long-standing and powerful force and the 34:11 idea that he would be interested in 34:13 something as crackpot as theosophy is 34:15 I'm sorry but it's just not believable 34:19 now he also omit this digression or just 34:23 another point is maaske Norman also 34:25 enters into serration with Benjamin 34:27 strong chairman of the New York Federal 34:28 Reserve which was stretching its legs at 34:30 that point had gonna steal a jet as a 34:32 central bank but they entered this deal 34:35 where the US dollar would be overvalued 34:38 to prop up I'm sorry would be inflated 34:41 to prop up the value of the English 34:42 pound and because they wanted to 34:45 maintain parity after the war but they 34:47 couldn't do that cuz it had been 34:48 inflated only they could maintain the 34:49 illusion of parity was for the dollar to 34:52 devalue itself and this sets the stage 34:53 for the either roaring 20s and social 34:56 can bust and say these are the bankers 34:58 that are setting the stage for the 34:59 collapse of the global economic collapse 35:01 of 1929 to 1931 right and I just wanted 35:04 to mention that when you know we talked 35:06 about the Warburg's participation in 35:09 this they were in thick as thieves in 35:13 this whole process of funding the 35:17 development of the Nazi armaments and 35:20 and bear in mind their participation is 35:23 going on in the 30s mine comp have been 35:27 published early in the 20s right so you 35:31 have this question of why would the 35:34 Warburg's who when you say Warburg what 35:37 you really should say is roughed up he 35:40 the Warburg's you know the the history 35:43 of the family they admit that well 35:45 basically we have been taught and 35:46 trained or just an annex of the 35:48 Rothschild family that we have used for 35:51 our education and in breed with 35:53 all the time right so you have to ask 35:56 yourself well wait a second 35:57 Hitler comes out with mine Kampf which 36:01 has a lot of really very serious 36:03 anti-semitic anti-semitic charges in it 36:07 in the early 20s and yet here you have 36:10 the Rothschild Warburg's funding him in 36:12 the 30s what is the explanation for that 36:16 you see and this goes to the point we've 36:18 made so so I've made a bunch of times 36:20 that you have this weird combination all 36:24 the time of Mason's 36:25 and elite Jewish families what is 36:28 responsible for that you see what isn't 36:31 back of it this is that when you see the 36:33 Warburg's working with Montague Norman 36:37 you have it exactly here in the 36:40 financial set setting right the elite 36:43 Jewish banking family the warbird 36:46 Rothschilds working with Montague Newman 36:48 Montague Norman behind the scenes 36:51 Norman is supposedly a Gentile but he is 36:54 a freemason he is a theöthis and they're 36:58 funding the Nazi Party why would they do 37:00 this 37:01 you see but I want to go on because I'm 37:04 gonna now you know you have to then 37:06 remember that as they looked at the 37:08 world as the Masons looked at the world 37:10 in the middle of the nineteenth century 37:11 like 1850 now I just want you to as a 37:16 thought experiment Jim just say well 37:19 what if they you know say well you know 37:21 I really want to reestablish Israel and 37:24 punish the Gentiles for the war in the 37:28 first century this is just something we 37:30 want to do how are we going to do that 37:31 well it's kind of complicated 37:33 well we're gonna have to create 37:34 nationalism to create you know and then 37:37 we have to get political control over 37:39 these areas if we want to like kind of 37:40 like create a war where population is 37:44 greatly reduced we also have to create 37:47 anti-semitism at least for a period of 37:49 time because otherwise the Jews who are 37:51 now in breeding with the Germans at 37:53 sixty percent of their population 37:55 they're not going to want to leave a 37:57 cozy Europe so how are we going to 37:59 regenerate this the you know the racial 38:02 energy of both the Jews 38:05 and the and the Germans and so you know 38:09 you have at this time the protocols of 38:12 the Elders of dumb as I am which people 38:15 kind of forget how powerful they were 38:18 they were actually distributed by of all 38:22 things the tool Society now this sort of 38:26 makes sense I mean kind of because the 38:28 tool society is you know it's involved 38:32 in the Aryan superiority hasn't taken a 38:36 position really so much on anti-semitism 38:38 but you can kind of see it would make 38:41 some sense that at least it's not 38:42 completely incoherent but they they had 38:44 they had distributed it following the 38:48 Russian Revolution to Russian peasants 38:52 with the idea of stirring up European 38:55 anti-semitism okay so they had destroyed 38:57 it but where does it come from we're not 39:00 you know people talk about where the 39:01 heck does this thing come from well it 39:03 actually comes from this person named 39:05 you Lena 39:07 Glinka she was one who somehow got a 39:10 copy of it god only knows now who is she 39:14 well her grandfather was when the 39:17 breaking people ever arrested for 39:19 Freemason conspiracy so in this was in 39:23 Russia so she comes from a Masonic 39:25 family but why would she well you know 39:28 what is this the idea of where where did 39:30 the how does she get the protocols oh 39:31 wait a second she's also a Thea fost 39:35 she's also having meetings after 39:38 meetings with Helena Blavatsky right now 39:42 you have to ask yourself gee whiz you 39:44 got the head of the Bank of England 39:47 you got some these guys over in America 39:51 that are developing the from Pledge of 39:54 Allegiance and American National 39:56 Socialism and you also have this woman 40:00 who comes up with the the protocols of 40:02 the Elders of Zion they're all the FS 40:05 and Freemasons if this just doesn't seem 40:09 like it's possible because say there's 40:11 no reason for any of these people to 40:14 actually you know actually what 40:19 to be having this combination the 40:22 combination is simply crazy and so it 40:26 begs a you know an explanation under any 40:29 circumstance but it certainly does you 40:34 know today we're where are you where we 40:37 look back at these things and we wonder 40:39 well you know how could something as 40:43 crazy as the Aryan racial supremacist 40:48 Nazi Party anti-semitism fight down to 40:51 the last German get going you know it 40:54 had this background in this you know 40:58 this this strange philosophy now 41:03 wikipedia mentioned the tool society 41:05 okay now that's important because you 41:07 have the occultism which comes from 41:09 Blavatsky she she had a follower named 41:12 his chain his name was glower and change 41:16 the names of Sabaton Dorf and he was a 41:18 Mason and and and he then is the one who 41:23 developed the Nazi Party as I mentioned 41:25 but it wasn't just him I mean believe me 41:27 this was there was a lot of different 41:29 individuals who were developing these 41:31 ideas it's time one of them was a guy 41:34 named we Dovan list okay now he's very 41:39 important because um he developed what 41:43 was called Wotan ism right like the 41:46 wu-tang clan and he also developed the 41:50 term like armand ism now you won't know 41:54 these terms if you're not you know like 41:55 into you know like the development of 41:58 the nazis because these were like proto 42:01 you know kind of Nazi parties that that 42:05 eventually then were swept up by the 42:07 tool society but were actually very 42:09 distinct you know kind of kind of the 42:12 crazed racial organizations that all 42:17 they were trying to get the Germans to 42:20 you know basically you know see this 42:23 kind of philosophy as coherent and and 42:27 list developed a 42:30 magazine called REO saathi right and if 42:36 it was promoting Wotan ism and what and 42:42 and this was he also had another he also 42:46 had another book called which he called 42:50 the blonde and the masculine right so so 42:54 he was he was he was just a kind of a 42:57 crazy guy now oddly enough you know he's 43:00 a Mason and guess what you know he's a 43:02 Thea ffice um now he actually made a 43:08 very interesting claim he claimed that 43:10 he said that actually this whole thing 43:13 he said that the the Arminius and the 43:17 the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons he 43:20 said you know he says these were all 43:23 secret teachings that had been given to 43:26 the Jewish rabbis of Cologne in the 43:28 hopes of preserving them from Christian 43:30 persecution so he was a totally opposed 43:32 to Christianity 43:33 he said these teachings then became the 43:35 Kabbalah which he said this is you know 43:41 basically was not a Jewish innovation 43:45 but comes from the ancient German Wotan 43:49 ISM you see they had given the secret 43:51 teaching to the rabbis and then they had 43:54 hidden it and protect it from 43:56 Christianity and then he then turned on 44:00 the Jews and was saying that the Jews 44:02 were basically both the problems that 44:04 would cause of all the problems that the 44:05 German people were having 44:07 so he was working with another German 44:11 theist maxford Ferdinand sorry for all 44:15 these weird names but here's where you 44:18 get back to the origin because this guy 44:22 was working with Aleister Crowley with 44:25 Crowley he was okay he was a British 44:27 agent right exactly and but you see 44:29 Crowley you won't believe this tomb 44:34 Crowley gets set in motion by John 44:37 Yeager just like Helen Blavatsky he's 44:40 given the same kind of like spiritual 44:43 sense 44:44 and and description of of like we what 44:48 you want to get going with this Memphis 44:52 and MS ROM occultism so you see this is 44:57 why you know there's this one gosh 45:01 there's a couple guys that are that are 45:03 you know have done a lot of research 45:06 into this one of them is rex curry and 45:11 the other is gosh jonathan getting old 45:17 harriet forgets his name but he's uh he 45:19 is a jewish scholar who works for he 45:23 worked for LaRouche as a stein man no 45:28 not a Steinberg jugglin shaken an thon 45:30 shaken yeah it's an time yeah he's the 45:32 one who did the he did he did with 45:35 webster tarpley thereby authorized 45:37 biographer george HW bush exactly they 45:40 cover lightest material and he had done 45:42 he's done he actually has done a lot of 45:44 research in this area and i have 45:46 actually gotten a lot of the details 45:50 come from his work but he he pointed out 45:55 that you know that the quattro core nadi 45:58 had been the origin of it now and tong 46:02 makes a mistake a clear logical blunder 46:05 it's sad because he's a really good 46:06 scholar really good information and and 46:09 he has a youtube of a speech gave in 46:14 1999 i believe or 2000 called how the 46:17 british empire brainwash the world and 46:19 yeah he says don't talk to me about the 46:24 illuminati there's no damn an illuminati 46:27 if the illuminati was so powerful why 46:30 didn't they take over the british royal 46:32 family 46:33 now anton is you know he doesn't want 46:37 and and and quite often what he'll do is 46:40 and and i don't think he's a limited 46:42 hang out i think he's a very good 46:44 legitimate scholar but he is Jewish and 46:47 so he will give a list of all of the 46:50 things that are leading up to Nazism and 46:52 then at the end he'll he'll say oh and 46:54 also there was the 46:55 banking family you know and and he'll 46:57 say oh there was also you know Zionism 47:00 was part you know in other words he 47:01 tries to deflect away from Jewish people 47:06 and Judaism the the you know their 47:08 influence inside of this production of 47:10 it 47:11 I don't think and and I think he also 47:13 does the same thing with the British 47:15 world famine he doesn't want something 47:18 in back of the British Royal Family to 47:20 be basically exposed because he doesn't 47:24 know what that might lead to but the 47:26 fact is is his logical errors very 47:29 transparent and set the question is well 47:31 how do you know the Illuminati haven't 47:33 taken over the British royal family 47:34 isn't the family xx Guth Berg there's a 47:38 yeah I mean you know this is what we 47:43 have to get the DNA testing but the idea 47:45 that the Illuminati could not have taken 47:48 over the British royal family is simply 47:50 preposterous this would have been if 47:52 they are in play at all would have been 47:53 one of the primary focuses the royal 47:56 family of Britain has been the subject 47:58 of a torturous you know history with all 48:02 sorts of different times when different 48:05 people could have gotten in and taking 48:07 control of it so I'm afraid that it's it 48:12 is not something that you can just 48:13 dismiss and you know as I'm going to 48:17 suggest is that Freemasonry is is 48:21 basically crypto-jews and at the high 48:25 level that this was the animating force 48:28 of these projects you know and and I 48:32 would say that history makes no sense it 48:33 makes when you look at the Nazi Party 48:36 being developed really very clearly by 48:38 Fiat by this branch of Freemasonry from 48:40 incoming from Quatro core naty which is 48:43 the this Lodge that is focused and 48:46 produced tsiyon ISM right when you see 48:48 all of these different elements 48:50 Garibaldi Blavatsky all of these things 48:54 that are being developed through the 48:56 lodge that end up being the Nazi Party 48:59 coming from the same place that Zionism 49:02 comes from and then see that the money 49:06 is also 49:07 being developed right through this group 49:10 to fund the Nazi Party you know it's 49:12 just it becomes up I mean history just 49:16 doesn't make any sense in any other way 49:18 now people they wonder well you know 49:22 wait a second you know this is just 49:24 history unfolding you know levansky 49:27 created theosophy you know there was all 49:32 these other crackpots that were then 49:34 influenced and you get you know we 49:36 divinely stand mocks Ferdinand and even 49:40 Aleister Crowley of course Carla go 49:41 straight back to the Quattroporte Noddy 49:43 but you know forgetting that you know 49:47 Hitler then you know he took over it but 49:51 he was not someone who who really you 49:54 know wanted to you know stay with the 49:59 occult well but this is not true this is 50:03 the Wikipedia idea but it was actually 50:07 studied by Jackson Spiegel Vogel and 50:11 David read --less who are from the Simon 50:14 Wiesenthal Center these are simon 50:17 wiesenthal appointed scholars and they 50:22 studied it and they they said that in 50:26 fact the the bo boskie's book the secret 50:31 doctrine and the ideas that came up in 50:35 this you know magazine era philosophy in 50:38 the tool society that these actually had 50:41 a decisive influence supposedly and what 50:44 then becomes a to hitler and that and 50:46 that they pointed out that while he 50:48 publicly condemned and he's and 50:50 persecuted a cultist freemason an 50:52 astrologer his private talks disclosed 50:56 his belief in the ideas of these of 50:58 competing occult groups so that is from 51:02 the simon wiesenthal center now he he 51:07 never actually condemned them i'll gonna 51:10 read you it this is a this is from his 51:13 nuremberg speech and this is actually I 51:16 think a pretty good idea about what 51:18 Adolf Hitler's position was on 51:21 you know an occultist and he said this 51:23 is Hitler speaking goes we will not 51:25 allow mystically minded occult folks 51:27 with a passion for exploring the secrets 51:29 of the world beyond to steal into our 51:32 movement such folks are not National 51:35 Socialists but something else 51:37 in any case something which has nothing 51:39 to do with us 51:41 we the serve for the maintenance of a 51:44 divine work and fulfill the divine will 51:46 not in the secret twilight of a new 51:49 house of worship but openly before the 51:51 face of the Lord so in other words he's 51:54 not you know saying all these are these 51:57 people are wrong he's just saying 51:58 they're not part of National Socialism 52:00 and he doesn't say when he says it's 52:03 very cryptic he goes these folks are not 52:05 National Socialists but something else 52:07 and then he goes in any case I mean 52:09 that's kind of like letting you in on 52:11 the idea of that you know obviously he 52:13 Hitler would know that Freemasonry and 52:17 the theists are in back of his whole 52:19 movement and but as it then goes on and 52:22 presents itself to the public it has to 52:26 separate from from these things because 52:29 what's going on to him is simply the 52:32 process by which the whole operation is 52:34 hidden because these remember they kept 52:37 to not only get these forces and play 52:39 we'll talk about that in a second but 52:41 they have to hide it so you have you 52:43 know you you start out at cuatro corps 52:45 naughty but then they create the 52:48 theosophy and then they they create you 52:52 know the tool society and only then did 52:54 they create National Socialism they 52:56 could have created it straight out of 52:58 you know the people who developed these 53:00 ideas back in the cuatro Corps naughty 53:02 but then it would have been too obvious 53:04 so they had to do it in a different in a 53:06 different way and that's why you had the 53:09 process take place you know starting 53:13 with palmerston and then ending up with 53:15 the tragic events that you know or world 53:18 war two because this was you know 53:22 basically started the you know this 53:26 process where memphis and ms rom the 53:30 cult of john yorker 53:33 which he then gave to both Aleister 53:36 Crowley and H bleep Abbas key ends up as 53:40 this crazy occultism which is kind of 53:47 underlying the German nationalism and 53:51 also the Italian national ISM with 53:54 Mussolini who was also basically sort of 53:57 a religious figure so in other words 54:00 what has happened is there's a process 54:03 by which these quasi religious figures 54:08 who are simply lifetime actors right I 54:11 mean if you look at Hitler and Mussolini 54:12 I mean in my opinion it's clear as a 54:14 bell they're just as much a lifetime 54:16 actor is montego Montague Norman right I 54:20 mean they they are they're playing their 54:23 role and the the purpose of the OP is 54:27 just what occurred in history they're 54:29 going to reduce population dramatically 54:32 by holding the armies in place through 54:36 basically religious leaders right that's 54:41 that's that that's how you know this 54:46 this is all going to end up and how the 54:49 power is going to be you know this is 54:52 really an area and you know when you go 54:55 into it you can see that it's it hasn't 54:57 been you know there's a lot of really 54:59 good research that's been done on cuatro 55:01 corn Adi and Anton has done you know he 55:04 was really the first one thing to really 55:05 get in there he's done a lot of really 55:06 good work but there's so much more that 55:09 needs to get exposed I mean you know 55:12 even the character Baphomet you know 55:15 who's so popular in our modern culture 55:16 it comes right from this this this is 55:19 where it actually comes from this is it 55:21 comes from the the you know this this 55:25 group that that is is promoting you know 55:29 the Memphis and Miz Ram yeah when you 55:32 when you're watching the Superbowl you 55:34 have Madonna coming down like a bathmat 55:36 character people don't realize that's 55:38 inspired by the Theosophists society 55:42 which which girls are created the 55:43 National National Socialism in Germany 55:45 right and remembering that in that 55:47 episode that the first thing she does is 55:50 she says what are you looking at right 55:52 and then you see that that she's being 55:55 pulled bathmat is being pulled by Roman 55:58 soldiers hmm so you can see that that 56:01 some group is now slaves right and 56:04 Baphomet is now in a position of power 56:07 and when when she says what are you 56:09 looking at she's basically saying you 56:11 don't understand the symbolism yes so 56:14 the historical figures like Adolf Hitler 56:18 obviously the Hitler of history the 56:20 Hitler that we've been given is it's a 56:23 caricature sort of a cutout it's that 56:27 supports a certain narrative same thing 56:30 with it it's kind of funny because uh 56:32 both Hitler Napoleon is obviously had 56:34 people make comparisons children 56:35 Napoleon both corporals rose you know at 56:39 one point he became an officer but 56:42 nevertheless you know became the Emperor 56:48 dictator of the respective nations and 56:50 had these fabulous military victories 56:52 conquered Europe and then invaded Russia 56:54 and June right ultimate defeating these 56:58 things but no Napoleonic Wars but of 57:00 course what a dis succeed in doing is 57:02 that led to what we call Jewish 57:05 emancipation in the Germanic States sure 57:07 and so you can also see that the 57:09 Hitler's Hitler's wars the war against 57:13 that were led of course also led to the 57:17 creation of Israel the Israeli state and 57:20 so yeah these figures are serving some 57:23 sort of function Napoleon also uh he's 57:26 also turned over the control of the 57:28 frame of the French bank to the 57:29 Rothschilds and he was during his reign 57:32 that the Rothschilds became ascendant 57:34 and just remembered just interrupted 57:36 remember that that even though you know 57:38 you they they say well where's the 57:39 evidence for Napoleon being amazing you 57:41 have these pictures of him with the 57:42 hidden hand and as all of his brothers 57:44 were well known Masons and then he's 57:46 supposed to be a Gentile but then he 57:48 hands over the banking power of France 57:50 to the Rothschild mean this is just it 57:53 this is a repeat of what happened with 57:55 Cecil Rhodes and Hitler never 57:57 openly criticized the Rothschild banking 57:58 family farik oh no once yeah Becky left 58:01 her banks on molester in France he 58:03 didn't yeah I mean well but but this 58:07 exactly right and and and why would the 58:10 Warburg Rothschild banking entities 58:14 cooperate with Montague Norman to fund 58:17 Hitler after 1921 when mine cough had 58:21 been published once the book was out it 58:23 could be studied and people go you know 58:25 this could end up badly for Jews yes so 58:29 there is there is the Wikipedia 58:32 description you gave is sort of it's a 58:36 narrative but it cannot possibly explain 58:41 the the relationship between freemason 58:45 the author fee the Jewish banking 58:48 families the the the skullenbones 58:52 participation through the Brown Brothers 58:54 and then you know on into World War two 58:57 it just doesn't it doesn't really have 58:59 any explanatory power yeah and you also 59:02 have a there's this book I think it's a 59:04 Hitler was a British agent written yeah 59:08 I don't 10 15 years ago yeah and it 59:12 pretty much says there was sort of this 59:13 out of my control 59:15 zombie who was controlled by British 59:17 intelligence I think was based on like 59:19 his his sister-in-law or something in 59:23 Hitler actually was in England before 59:24 world world one or something I don't 59:26 know that shit there was a claim that 59:27 yeah I don't know that that's been 59:29 vetted but that he actually had meetings 59:31 with these people and so then the idea 59:32 was is that they had controlled him and 59:36 through MKULTRA but I I would go beyond 59:39 that and say well wait a second why why 59:42 did why would they need to control him 59:43 if he's a lifetime act or well that's 59:45 yeah yeah yeah I've never seen the 59:48 evidence of that claim it's there's no 59:50 right you know it's a fantastic story 59:53 but but I think that Hitler someone like 59:56 a Napoleon Hitler they play their roles 59:57 they're set up for this you know they're 60:00 that's how the system works a minute 60:02 he's working that way in the United 60:03 States now and I just wanted to say 60:05 nothing okay you've got mine comp which 60:07 supposedly is like written by this I 60:09 don't know what is that 60:10 education is purported but if you look 60:14 at it it has a certain style it's what I 60:17 would call hyper-rational in other words 60:20 every paragraph virtually has a kind of 60:23 a position sentence and then some 60:27 rationale and then this kind of busy 60:29 little logical conclusion and this just 60:32 goes on and on on the thing is just as 60:34 boring as can be well this also appears 60:37 in the protocols for the elders I am the 60:39 same kind of weird like rational 60:42 hyper-rational I call them it's very 60:44 strange style which i think is actually 60:45 a committee writing and then it 60:48 certainly reappears with the secret 60:50 doctrine you know 10 daddy I was 60:53 bestseller but but but the thing is is 60:59 like if you look at the writing styles 61:01 of you know the protocols mind calm Das 61:07 Kapital I mean I mean it's there is what 61:10 I call this kind of it's hard to 61:13 describe but I just get there's a sense 61:15 that it's really not serious I mean it's 61:17 obviously sophist rebut it's that they 61:19 have developed a kind of style to appear 61:23 rational and and and I mean the most of 61:26 those books the most insane is not the 61:29 protocols which you know it's actually 61:31 pretty straightforward kind of you know 61:34 it's a historical thesis you know 61:37 whatever the truth of the thing is it's 61:40 you know it's not you know like a cult 61:42 ism but the but the really weird one is 61:45 bull vas keys it's mad it's like 700 61:47 pages long and I mean it has all of 61:50 these you know just my new details about 61:54 astrology and and occult origins of 61:59 races and ideas and it's just the most 62:01 crazed thing imaginable and yet it has 62:04 this a veneer of hyper rationality and 62:07 it's 700 pages long why in the hell 62:10 would everyone even write such a thing 62:11 you know and I I think that my sense is 62:14 if this is an OP and I am convinced it 62:16 is that there's a actually a literary 62:19 committee it may not produce all the 62:21 literature but has some kind of meth 62:22 of editing and making sure that the 62:24 style is is maintained because it 62:27 pleases them to appear to be rational 62:29 yeah and something like a mind calm for 62:32 our beloved Sookie's work these things 62:34 provide a literature for I guess people 62:38 who are gonna be triggered by the 62:39 circumstances created by the secret 62:41 society right 62:43 you know like Madison grants passing the 62:44 Great Race I think was like turn early 62:47 20th century in 1910 or something in and 62:50 it's funny how these things are sort of 62:52 well they're almost anticipating that 62:55 the following events you know like they 62:57 have some inside the car Haitian and 62:59 what's gonna happen right and obviously 63:01 the the crisis of 1920s Germany and the 63:04 people responsible for exploiting 63:06 Germany a lot of these were bankers and 63:08 Jews and these things so that's gonna 63:09 trigger sort of this hyper nationalism 63:11 Germany which then be used its discredit 63:14 ethnic ethno-nationalism and who wants 63:17 to do that well right well exactly and 63:20 and again you know when you talk about 63:22 kind of the foreseeing I mean 63:25 Blavatsky's actually man she's like the 63:27 the BBC presenter who could see you know 63:30 building 7 collapse because she talked 63:32 about how you know this this world 63:36 religious leader would have to emerge 63:38 you know to lead the Aryan people not me 63:41 that's gave a meet Montagu Norman was 63:43 she ever in physical presence of him do 63:44 we know or no I mean I don't do not 63:47 there's no evidence of that there is 63:49 evidence that the woman who developed 63:51 the protocols of Zion met with of a 63:54 scheme any time there's actually letters 63:55 and diamond truth show that but Montague 63:59 you know he was in the psychical 64:02 research society with bow the floor and 64:06 he simply admitted he says you know I'm 64:09 just I'm a theist atheist I one thing 64:11 that always struck me that you see this 64:13 is reported in you know in conventional 64:17 history historical you know the 64:19 conventional narrative of World War two 64:21 in that period is that how much shocked 64:23 was good friends with Montague Norman 64:25 and he was Hitler's banker up until the 64:29 outbreak of war and so you know so you 64:33 know how can that be exactly mean to 64:36 make 64:36 makes absolutely no sense because 64:37 remember this is a whole decade after 64:40 mine comp he which just basically 64:43 outlines the fact that Hitler is crazed 64:45 and and he shouldn't be if you are a 64:48 sophisticated banker and this guy is 64:50 like a third generation I mean he's a 64:52 head of the Bank of England from you 64:54 know for decades he knows what he's 64:55 doing he wouldn't be funding something 64:59 like this there would there would be 65:00 some kind of pushback and and yet he 65:04 just goes forward time and time and time 65:06 again whenever they need money it just 65:08 it just pops up and he so often is in 65:11 line with the Warburg's Rothschild yeah 65:13 it's also I I G Farben splats were never 65:15 bombed during the war exactly because 65:17 they're basically were like as I would 65:20 characterize them they were just owned 65:22 by the group that was creating Israel 65:24 creating creating the Nazi Party 65:26 creating World War two they created they 65:29 created the nationalism in Italy and 65:32 Germany because and and the religious 65:36 leaders right so that's why you have 65:38 Lebowski talking about you know you've 65:42 got to have this everyone she says every 65:43 few generations of world religious 65:46 person will emerge to lead us you know 65:48 and mystical nationalism exactly that's 65:51 a that's I get a Nuremberg rally going 65:55 this is exactly you got it this is 65:58 what's going on she's putting and it's 66:00 taking years to create this these 66:03 concepts so they're strong enough in the 66:04 culture that can actually make in 66:06 America they had manifest destiny has 66:08 another Rothschild me yeah I think yeah 66:10 that's right if I slaughter you know the 66:14 genocide of the Indian yeah and so so 66:16 you you you when you're gonna genocide 66:18 you need your mysticism and this is what 66:22 Blavatsky's doing its what guido von 66:26 least is doing it's why Montagu Norman 66:29 is a theist it's why you know linka the 66:32 protocol hill of Zion person is at the 66:35 FS ntfs means you know God knowledge 66:38 right that's what the term means because 66:40 all its luciferianism I guess well well 66:43 of course you because this is you know 66:48 you wonder well what is 66:49 why would they you know god knowledge 66:51 what is the the basis particularly when 66:54 you read Volvo skis the secret doctrine 66:56 which as I said is unreadable it's 66:58 completely I mean it's just beyond 67:00 crockpot and yet you know it then 67:04 supposedly apparently God no God 67:07 knowledge doesn't give you the ability 67:08 rights at good prose he's not gonna 67:11 marry me but but somehow this crackpot 67:15 is gets the head of the Bank of England 67:16 to be you know a follower and the 67:20 National Socialists in America who also 67:24 becomes a follower in other words all 67:26 when you when you see how the Nazi Party 67:30 is assembled and you see it isn't just 67:32 Freemasonry because it is but it's also 67:35 this one brand and that must have been 67:37 you know from the quattro core not e on 67:40 the organizing group that's why there 67:43 you can actually work back and see how 67:45 each one of these people is related you 67:47 know in these in this very specific 67:50 philosophical strand yeah this is I mean 67:52 all this this is a very interesting and 67:56 yes for many people may seem a little 67:58 esoteric or yeah hard to grab it but the 68:03 this is how it's playing yeah because 68:04 you have to put this in historical 68:05 perspective this is also how does how 68:08 does this um work in something like the 68:11 McKinsey doctrine which is the the 68:13 doctrine of the cult octopus we call the 68:15 British Empire you know well you can see 68:18 how the mckenna doctrine is to weaken 68:20 weaken the you know it's to have to 68:23 control the center of the of Europe 68:25 Eurasia is the key to controlling the 68:28 world and what you kill you do you to 68:30 stabilize those countries there that 68:32 would be Russia primarily Russia in 68:34 Germany and well you see how this can be 68:38 used to set Germany up to be ultimately 68:39 destabilizing conquer to controlled by 68:41 the by the occult powers you know but by 68:44 Leviathan the British Empire obviously 68:47 this is also how a similar process was 68:51 followed you know during the First World 68:53 War and and the aid that was given to 68:58 the Bolsheviks courtesy London Germany 69:00 German Warburg family in and 69:03 York with the Jacob Schiff and so we see 69:07 this pattern here but you know it was so 69:10 with German needs to take Germany for 69:12 case we're talking about you know the 69:13 rise that Nazis and these things and 69:14 they've been portrayed as being you know 69:16 there's an evil force a spawn of Satan 69:18 almost a warp crackpot ideology no 69:24 validity whatsoever that's not 69:25 necessarily true 69:26 the the reason is the conditions that 69:29 the but at the occult banker a 69:31 theosophist 69:32 created would create legitimate 69:34 grievances within Germany the collapse 69:36 of the German economy the Great 69:37 Inflation the culture degradation the 69:39 cultural assault that was waged against 69:41 Germany in the 1920s this would create 69:43 the reaction and if you look at some of 69:45 the things that some of these even 69:48 garble said about the Allied powers is 69:50 very true you know whether it's the 69:52 banking practices usually in these 69:54 things so they're some of the economic 69:56 or TKE of Western economics and there 69:58 are some measures that were followed in 70:00 Germany which appeared to work and now 70:02 it's hard to assess to really to judge 70:06 the economics of German I think was 70:08 Fedor is his name because Germany was at 70:10 war for half I mean for half the life of 70:13 the Third Reich Germany was at war and 70:14 he how do you judge an economy when it's 70:16 at war no but nevertheless they did they 70:20 did seem to solve the unemployment 70:21 problem and they created sort of a 70:24 national consciousness and purpose in 70:27 these things and that the irony is that 70:29 now if there's ever any ethnic group 70:32 that wants to have a state that isn't 70:33 Jewish it's considered racist or even 70:36 not your being a Nazi and it can't and 70:37 it cannot be tolerated so much so that 70:41 you know you have the former head of the 70:42 North Atlantic Treaty Organization 70:43 saying that the end of the age the etham 70:46 stage is over yeah as if a lot you know 70:49 so sorry 70:52 I'm just saying that yet what's 70:53 happening here is again they've created 70:55 conditions where they can predict the 70:59 reaction and they can trigger people 71:00 when they can and then control the 71:03 reaction well it's it's problem 71:05 reactions solution right and which is 71:07 Masonic right and I just wanted to 71:10 underline what you had said that the 71:13 prosperity that led 71:16 up to Hitler's absolute control of the 71:20 German people was as deliberately 71:23 manufactured as the financial 71:26 catastrophe of the Weimar had been right 71:28 if you actually look at you know how 71:32 central banks had arranged all of this 71:35 in conjunction with you know the 71:37 government's the you know the Versailles 71:39 Treaty and the way that crush the 71:41 Germans following World War II said that 71:43 the dot planned the young plan but then 71:45 when Hitler comes to power now they want 71:48 to create authority because he is their 71:51 puppet or he's in their deal 71:54 and so now prosperity occurs and so now 71:58 you have fanatical loyalty to Hitler 72:01 because the Germans who are being 72:03 assembled as a nation right are thinking 72:05 look this guy is taking us to a better 72:08 place right he deserves our loyalty this 72:12 is and and now the loyalty is all going 72:14 to get used for one single purpose and 72:16 that's genocide this this pattern just 72:19 happens in history so many times you 72:20 look at Marxism right you have the 72:23 worker's paradise the people think it's 72:26 gonna go great they're gonna like you 72:27 know distribute the wealth of the oleg 72:30 arts and then the next thing you know 72:32 the political control is given to a 72:34 small group and lo and behold they're 72:36 malevolent and now you're in trouble 72:38 because once you've given political 72:41 control to these individuals they 72:43 control the military the finance and if 72:45 they are malevolent if they seek you ill 72:47 man it's easy for them to do it you see 72:51 and this is why history just never works 72:54 out right for us you know what I mean it 72:57 always no matter what we do it ends up 73:00 bad because this organization has 73:04 slithered into the positions of 73:06 political power and from there they 73:08 control the finances and they control 73:10 the future they can create conditions in 73:13 which the public fanatically will give 73:18 every bit of love to an individual 73:21 leader and then if he takes them off a 73:23 cliff they won't complain yeah I 73:25 remember at the same time United States 73:27 work was 73:28 suppose being led by their own dictator 73:30 named Franklin Delano Roosevelt yeah 73:33 right and the National Recovery Act and 73:34 these things are very fascistic and they 73:37 follow the same models roughly just that 73:39 maybe the German system was more 73:41 authoritarian overtly but um yeah this 73:47 is the UH so you have fought the young 73:49 they both came to power at the same time 73:51 yeah and it's just you know I just 73:56 wanted to also another underline the 73:59 idea that when you have you know the 74:01 Warburg's you know they were the leading 74:04 stockholder of IG Farben like then 74:07 basically you know what's going to be 74:10 creating most of the of the Nazi war 74:12 machine right it's it's the largest 74:13 industry and in company in Germany and 74:16 it's in fact it was once described as an 74:19 international Jewish organization but 74:22 nevertheless shot was able to get the 74:28 money through Montagu Norman to produce 74:32 a munitions and chemical for the 74:33 military buildup but it was during this 74:37 period this was all the way up to like 74:39 1938 mmm that that the Warburg 74:42 Rothschilds are basically funding and 74:47 Max Warburg who as as is the 74:51 autobiography or the biography of the 74:53 Warburg family you know makes clear it's 74:55 just a representative the Ross house 74:57 he's the leading stockholder of IG 74:59 Farben this is this is twenty fifteen 75:04 years after mine comp and this is during 75:05 the time when all of the munitions are 75:07 being developed what how can this 75:10 possibly under the the narrative of 75:13 history that we've been given make any 75:14 sense and I just wanted to go back one 75:17 generation because when you get into 75:19 this weird combination of the Mason 75:23 skullenbones and in Jews you have to 75:25 remember that the Warburg family they 75:30 had a bank which was called Kuhn Loeb 75:32 right so you've got Warburg's Kuhn Loeb 75:34 these are elite Jewish families banking 75:37 families it's all just again it's 75:39 Rothschild because they all have these 75:40 connections back 75:41 into that banking family but they were 75:44 the ones that unified with Harriman to 75:47 create the railroads 75:48 in the United States and they were using 75:51 money that then had been been you know 75:53 gained our loan from the British central 75:58 banks right he and so now in the 30s on 76:04 the on the behest of Warburg Kuhn Loeb 76:08 was still selling bonds in New York for 76:11 Hitler and shocked right I mean this is 76:14 just beyond belief this this is like 76:16 literally right up to the invasion of 76:19 Poland 76:20 these guys are financing him knowing 76:22 full well what he is his anti-semitism 76:25 it's all out there and in mine calm so 76:28 it makes no sense but it does if you 76:31 look at it as the operation right that 76:34 that they've created exactly the right 76:36 conditions to now have the religious 76:39 leader in control of both Germany and 76:42 Italy who are going to be punished for 76:44 the crimes of the first century right 76:47 perhaps this is my idea and they will be 76:51 held in place and the Masonic armies you 76:56 know the u.s. the Russians and then 76:59 sadly the Germans and Italy's we're also 77:02 under control we'll simply slaughter one 77:04 another and you'll have a new Europe 77:08 afterwards yeah this also explains 77:10 things like the firebombing makes 77:12 perfect sense Asian this is the thing 77:14 and this isn't you're not gonna see this 77:15 in Wikipedia um I think it's probably 77:18 going to be a while don't you ten before 77:21 but Kapiti will pick up any of these 77:22 ideas but you know as as I hope I have 77:25 been able to you know make clear when 77:31 when you trace the this amazing strand 77:35 from the Quatro Corps knotty research 77:37 Lodge that creates anti-semitism it 77:43 creates the State of Israel it creates 77:45 the Nazi Party and then it creates the 77:47 funding for the Nazi Party right I mean 77:50 all of these individuals seem to be 77:53 working in 77:54 unified whole when you see that then 77:56 history makes perfect sense so so I just 77:58 want to say that this thesis really 78:00 deserves more attention because Tim it 78:03 has real explanatory power right World 78:07 War two the creation of the Nazi Party 78:10 man there's just so many holes in the 78:12 historical narrations that the whole 78:13 thing makes no sense I mean the 78:15 firebombing at the end 78:16 Eisenhower's death camp for the German 78:19 soldiers the all of the problems with 78:22 believing the the historical narrative 78:24 of the Holocaust you know Holocaust 78:26 we've done shows on yeah you know talked 78:27 about well what the heck's going on and 78:29 it doesn't quite add up the numbers 78:31 don't add up the people look to be 78:33 propaganda is that the the shrunken 78:35 heads are props I mean this this looks 78:37 like an operation not like a real 78:39 historical tragedy what theory explains 78:42 everything it was that was getting a 78:45 thing is back in 1994 Phil Donahue had 78:50 just seen Schindler's List and his TV 78:53 show he said how can anyone doubt the 78:55 Holocaust now gosh I mean no and I saw a 79:04 movie it wasn't black heard it after 79:08 that it's just so powerful right it's 79:09 sort of like how can anyone doubt bin 79:11 Laden was killed and this is where you 79:16 know the pixelated world brother it's 79:17 it's we have to under you know always 79:20 keep our humanity in tact and remember 79:22 that this is fake it's a screen and 79:25 people know how to manipulate it so yeah 79:27 I mean you hear were pavía Slee it's now 79:30 known that during the war Standard Oil 79:32 made sure that the German air force had 79:37 aviation fuel they also helped and then 79:39 developed a synthetic fuel that's what 79:43 the larger was at least reportedly going 79:46 on at Auschwitz the the buna works is 79:48 art you know this over there the they 79:50 were developing a synthetic fuels from 79:52 their coal but they apparently the 79:55 Standard Oil actually had the patent and 79:57 the technology to do that yet IBM 79:59 operating out of Auschwitz these things 80:02 I T&T; I think had SS officers board 80:06 being paid throughout 80:07 war all these things going on throughout 80:11 the war and all these business 80:13 transactions yeah nothing makes any 80:17 sense for it I think less and less that 80:19 they're working together as an operation 80:21 yeah for its supply trucks to both you 80:24 know the Soviets and the Germans during 80:26 the war 80:27 same thing General Motors I think their 80:29 subsidiary Opel I don't know produced 80:32 the tanks the the tiger tanks know these 80:34 so I mean so you know now you could say 80:37 these things are these are business 80:38 interested that that continued 80:42 throughout the war there's no reason to 80:44 break those off and everything but I 80:45 think it's something more than that 80:46 never even still it says a lot about the 80:48 true nature of these wars if these if 80:50 these if people go into war and farm boy 80:54 is being asked to go you know die in the 80:56 Pacific some rock in the Pacific or some 80:58 die and some trench or some foxhole and 81:01 in France or something yet businessman 81:04 can't make rearranged your business deal 81:12 you know it just to kill a lot of people 81:14 I mean and the wars themselves are you 81:17 know I think you know we last week we 81:20 talked about foundations of course we 81:21 have the Kathy Casey found out about the 81:24 Carnegie Foundation talking about war 81:27 being the principal way to fundamentally 81:29 change the nation and just this the 81:32 trauma of people that goes on to the 81:34 economic changes that occurred during 81:37 the war they stay essentially the sort 81:40 of the Cardinals ation and 81:41 centralization occurs a good example is 81:44 during World War two 81:47 American industry was the federal 81:49 government paid 40 almost 40 billion 81:52 dollars to rebuild retool we capitalized 81:55 large American industries they got 81:58 wealthy from and so that's a 81:59 fundamentally shifting of wealth to 82:00 these large corporations all you know to 82:02 all to you know to create the Arsenal 82:05 democracies supposedly and nevertheless 82:07 they were enriched the airline industry 82:10 up up until World War Two was sort of 82:13 like a craft you know and the the large 82:16 airlines were a product of World War two 82:19 because I mean they've hundreds of 82:20 thousands 82:21 airplanes were built during the Second 82:23 World War and from that grew these large 82:25 airlines like TWA which was Howard 82:27 Hughes and Howard Hughes had always had 82:29 a connection to US intelligence and 82:31 these things and you know he got 82:34 enormous ly wealthy from that and then 82:37 so that's how these these vast fortunes 82:40 are treating these cartels are created 82:41 exactly there there's the OP the 82:44 historical you know whatever that 82:46 they're going to bring you back with 82:48 them they also because they know it's 82:49 gonna happen for knowledge they just 82:51 make a fortune yeah yeah oh that's it's 82:56 the they have the military control where 82:57 they're wiping us out yeah improvisation 82:59 and then that leads to greater 83:01 concentration of wealth in their hands 83:03 where now they have financial control 83:05 where they would slap us basically 83:06 through the control of the companies and 83:08 then then they buy the meetings they 83:11 control perception and you know a good 83:13 example is I think of Samuel Bush who 83:16 started there the ARIMA things Remington 83:19 Arms in the corporation making firearms 83:22 he went to work for the war industries 83:25 board under Bernard Baruch 83:26 yeah Bernard Baruch and of course it was 83:33 so he's working for Bernard Baruch then 83:36 in the 20s it was the Remington 83:38 coorporate Remington Arms Company which 83:40 supplies the the guns for the for the SA 83:44 it roams si for the street fighting 83:45 which has its own political consequences 83:48 because you want to stir the stir them 83:50 up I'm sure they funded the Communists 83:52 as well so they wanted to street 83:53 fighting because the street fighting led 83:54 to disorder was led all three led to the 83:56 live did the legitimization of Adolf 83:58 Hitler because there was that disorder 83:59 which led paul von hindenburg to point 84:01 Hitler Chancellor people forget that 84:03 Hitler came to power legally he was a 84:06 point out and then there was the 84:08 Reichstag fire which people still don't 84:09 know some people just assume the Nazis 84:11 is a benefit front politically but 84:13 nevertheless that you know that leads to 84:15 the enabling act and which which is the 84:18 illegal foundation for the hill Aryan 84:20 regime which ardently you know lasts 84:22 until 1940 no these guys can just see in 84:25 the future you know it's just amazing 84:27 you know I mean it's like there there 84:29 she was this insane a cult crackpot in 84:33 eighteen 84:35 89 1889 it's a crystal ball and and she 84:39 goes you know the purpose of the Society 84:44 of theosophy this helmets key writing 84:46 she goes you know we have to prepare 84:49 humanity for the reception of a world 84:51 teacher right who will appear on earth 84:55 in order to direct mankind Wow 84:59 this is the broad who then developing 85:02 45-degree angled swastika and and talked 85:07 about the Aryan race existing and it's a 85:09 printed superiority over inferior races 85:12 isn't it amazing 85:14 in 1899 that she could think about a 85:18 world teacher who could who was there to 85:22 direct mankind now gee kind of looks 85:26 like Adolf Hitler to me or how he would 85:28 have been characterizing himself yeah 85:30 and it's a little odd that Blavatsky 85:33 could see that in the future see so this 85:36 is it all adds up to a very clear 85:41 picture just a very ugly one yeah yeah I 85:44 mean she oh I've heard a lot of people 85:46 read her office sort of a crackpot Kahn 85:47 these things and but she cast a very 85:50 long shadow is almost like Aleister 85:52 Crowley where she you know he's a 85:55 deviant he's in his black magic he's 85:57 kind of a con man and these things 85:58 nevertheless he cast a very long shadow 86:00 over the 20th century politically and 86:03 culturally and that's the thing is is 86:05 that she that's right she is a crackpot 86:07 and and that's the knowing about her 86:09 philosophy is legitimate what people 86:11 don't understand is that she's a sophist 86:13 that these are just clever arguments 86:15 that she's using to develop the to 86:18 create the philosophical platforms upon 86:21 which you know authority over a people 86:26 can exist yeah this is similar to like 86:29 how I a Kinsey or exactly a Ginsburg is 86:34 promoted least exactly I mean it she 86:37 just seems like a crackpot but then you 86:39 go oh wait a second 86:40 she's a crackpot but then how come 86:42 Montague Norman is her follower I mean 86:46 he's the head of the Bank of England 86:47 he's funding the Nazi 86:48 party that doesn't look like a crackpot 86:51 to me 86:51 well how about Julia the woman who ends 86:57 up discovering the protocols ill 86:59 designer that-that-that's this is hardly 87:01 the work of a crackpot to bring about 87:03 something so historically significant 87:05 well wait a second what about the guys 87:07 in the u.s. who developed a national 87:09 social socialism the flag their arms the 87:12 arm I mean all of this stuff they're her 87:15 followers as well 87:16 she's a crackpot I'm sorry I don't see 87:20 her as a crackpot 87:21 I mean her ideas are crazy but what I 87:24 see is a very powerful cultural force 87:26 you know shaping moving Europe toward 87:30 world war two well that's why we got the 87:32 20th century yeah that's that's so yeah 87:35 crackpot but oh wait a second let's not 87:38 let the cat the crackpot facade take 87:43 away from the fact that that she was at 87:45 the center of the organization that 87:47 brought about the the genocide of World 87:51 War two yeah cuz you D crazy ideas for 87:54 that to go because no sane person same 87:57 people were in charge you wouldn't have 87:58 gotten you wouldn't gotten a Stalingrad 88:01 you would have gotten a Dresden you know 88:04 so you wouldn't have had the loyalty to 88:05 Hitler if you hadn't had the blend of 88:10 the desperate situation following World 88:13 War one that was right for these occult 88:15 ideas right everything came to get so 88:19 that as Blavatsky wrote this world 88:22 leader could come forward right and it 88:26 was then an important counterpoint or 88:29 opposite that is what we talked about a 88:32 few weeks ago regarding the final 88:33 solution to the German question was you 88:36 know the the idea of destroying Germany 88:40 and letting that out yes that that would 88:43 stiffen German resolve to keep on 88:44 fighting the Morgan Morgenthau report in 88:47 these things a Morgenthau report yeah 88:48 exactly I mean Tim it's like I always 88:52 say man the Gentile can't get a break 88:54 and you know the thing is what's really 88:58 weird is that Hitler 89:00 is you know there's this kind of fad 89:04 where the alt-right is like kind of you 89:08 know glomming onto him as some kind of a 89:10 hero right because he fought against 89:12 what they see is unreasonable Jewish 89:15 interest you know and that he was you 89:16 know with not politically correct and 89:18 you know that he's been lied about 89:20 there's also there's all of this he says 89:22 standing at earth work to the door world 89:23 order or something right but you know 89:25 but then you go wait a second guys um 89:27 none of these people believe in the 89:29 Holocaust at least far as I can tell 89:32 they tend to doubt it anyway they 89:34 question it 89:35 okay well now let's look at Hitler in 89:38 that light say the Holocaust was far 89:41 fewer deaths than you know as it has 89:44 been reports it was like a hundred 89:45 thousand or something that died and 89:47 there wasn't any you know there's just 89:49 all this propaganda following just let's 89:50 just take that as a third well now look 89:53 at Hitler what did he do Matt he was 89:55 responsible for the deaths of more 89:56 Gentiles than anyone had ever lived you 90:00 see he sent five million him in the 90:03 Russia yeah well and then the kid ends 90:06 up that mean it means of the Hamburg 90:08 Dresden uh all of the carnage that the 90:10 Allies are doing is because he's not 90:13 surrendering because he's not waging the 90:15 war rationally I mean the there you're 90:18 talking like a hundred million Europeans 90:20 are going to die one way or another 90:21 because of a part of what this guy does 90:24 he so why is he some sort of a hero 90:27 well he fought against the Jew where he 90:30 didn't fight against the Jew when he was 90:32 he was you know developing his munitions 90:36 he was taking money straight from you 90:40 know the the Warburg banking interest 90:43 his you know his I guess you could say 90:45 is I'd stop grouping or her soldiers 90:47 went in and you know guessing the course 90:49 of invading Russia massacred a lot of 90:51 murder or creating conditions where many 90:53 were massacred so the little Jew was 90:56 being murdered or being right 90:57 constellation cancer but they're not the 90:58 ones guilty of anything live their lives 91:04 yeah and these huge forces are sweeping 91:07 them up just like everyone else but then 91:09 it happened 91:10 or they get used for propaganda / and 91:12 then then there of course they're then 91:15 told their love yeah they become like 91:19 the shrunken head that that was there 91:21 for the reporters to see when they when 91:22 they came in you know to the 91:24 concentration camp yeah they're suckers 91:25 enjoying the IDF and then persecute 91:27 Palestinians yeah yeah so so you know 91:31 they're getting they're getting they're 91:32 getting played in the same way that you 91:36 know these are they're getting played in 91:38 the same way that everyone else is 91:40 getting played you know but it's just 91:43 anyway so it's I think we have enough 91:48 we've given enough information so that 91:51 what I'm hoping is we can stimulate more 91:54 research I really want to you know it's 91:56 hard for just you and I with limited 91:59 time and whatnot to go through all this 92:01 stuff but I really think that the fad of 92:05 Hitler is some kind of you know someone 92:07 who stood up against a New York new 92:09 world order is miss misplaced and I 92:12 think that people really need to start 92:14 studying the relationship between the 92:17 Nazi Party and theosophy yeah because 92:20 that that'd that's gonna take them back 92:22 to British Freemasonry and then when you 92:25 swing you when you make that path then 92:28 suddenly you can see that World War two 92:30 is doesn't look organic it just looks 92:32 like a an organized calling of a racial 92:36 herd yeah yeah and there wasn't a clash 92:41 between good and evil it was just it was 92:44 just evil yeah that's right it was just 92:49 evil and so anyway I think we've given 92:52 them some information tonight Tim great 92:54 yeah it's a again yeah it's a different 92:56 take on it which is yeah you don't see 93:00 many history books but yeah there's sort 93:02 of the occult origins of of Nazism well 93:05 the Freemason control over the 93:08 production of it and the possibility 93:10 that that it was an operation that 93:12 you're looking at like 9/11 or something 93:14 like that 93:15 yeah I mean Quigley carroll quigley I 93:18 did a 93:20 a number of talks with with last year 93:23 with je dire because he studied tragedy 93:24 and hope and he quickly quickly kind of 93:28 admits this that the Wars of the 20th 93:31 century of course that he's writing in 93:32 1966 he's reading even over the Cold War 93:35 but pretty much what happened what 93:37 happened was the Anglo the the the 93:43 Anglosphere the the the Anglo 93:45 establishment waged the first world war 93:50 to create a a tri-polar world yes you 93:57 could say mm-hmm and then they supported 94:01 the rise of Hitler I mean the first 94:05 world war was to create a tri-polar 94:06 world which you create the conditions 94:08 for the Second World War and when that 94:10 was waged and one it created the the 94:13 bipolar world and then the bipolar world 94:16 creates the unipolar world yeah 94:19 and that was a new world order so that's 94:21 in yeah so these things were all kind of 94:22 orchestrated yeah Anton he explains the 94:26 price see the the I can't pronounce his 94:29 last name it's not in my head but aunt 94:31 on the LaRoche scholar checking check 94:37 and that thank you um well Anton he 94:41 takes the position that it's British to 94:43 your politics that this is just the 94:45 British imperial family they are the 94:48 source of evil they're back which is it 94:49 which isn't incorrect it's insufficient 94:51 no but it's just a problem is it kind of 94:54 replaces one mystery with another and 94:56 and the thing is is that we can identify 95:01 that strand of Freemasonry as the source 95:05 of it but we just don't know who they 95:07 are and and I think the idea that 95:09 they're Kryptos is is a powerful 95:12 explanatory position it just everything 95:14 just makes perfect sense at that point 95:16 and that's why I think it's just you 95:18 know there's certainly enough here for 95:21 you know more study to be done and 95:24 hopefully we can move the the people on 95:27 the alt-right who are interested in like 95:29 this sad about it 95:32 Hitler back to some more kind of core 95:34 research so that you know we don't have 95:38 to go through that war again also they 95:40 don't they don't they don't get 95:41 triggered like Hitler 95:42 yes oh if Hitler is triggered I mean 95:46 yeah yeah see this is the thing you know 95:47 he disappears at the end of the war you 95:50 know I sure look sure looks like a 95:52 lifetime actor to me and there's a lot 95:54 of character you know I mean that it it 95:57 just you know as I as I look at all 96:00 these details I just say man this Hitler 96:02 guy he's just an obvious lifetime actor 96:04 and then they just pulled him off the 96:05 stage at the end you know because that 96:08 was the agreement 96:09 you know you maybe maybe maybe he was 96:11 Charlie Chaplin yeah I mean exactly who 96:19 knows because the pixilated world if 96:21 they have a sense of humor it's easy to 96:23 imagine you know who knows I mean what 96:25 happens to the guy but the character 96:28 that he represented I think was fake you 96:31 know there's a stagecraft you know he 96:34 was just there to be this religious this 96:37 world ruler that Bulevar ski had talked 96:40 about and well it just get a little 96:44 practical and real about this no I guess 96:47 the closest to real dictator ever there 96:49 was maybe Joseph Stalin but even then 96:51 but Hitler I mean you have the man the 96:54 dictator but underneath him you have all 96:56 these could even stick the normal 96:59 historian's will say there's different 97:00 factions fighting it out he's not in 97:02 control of everything it's the question 97:04 who can get Hitler's attention at the 97:05 time so there's all types of different 97:06 jenna's being being pursued throughout 97:10 the Third Reich and inside government in 97:12 these things this happens in any 97:13 government so any leader I mean he's not 97:16 gonna be really you know the the guy 97:19 making all the decision because he 97:21 simply doesn't have enough hands or 97:22 brain power to do that so he's he's 97:25 gonna be manipulated by some sort of 97:26 oligarchy anyway that's so well and 97:29 Hitler had only one thing he had 97:30 absolutely had to do and that was not 97:32 surrender yeah he just had a not 97:34 surrender and and just you know we're 97:36 gonna fight down to last night I blame a 97:39 card no vogner so 97:44 so well Joe I think we I think we got a 97:48 pretty good handle on it and I think we 97:50 keep fusing if people tonight I think I 97:51 think just want to really choose people 97:53 and so please contact Denver myself if 97:55 you have any questions about it and 97:57 we'll get them next week 97:59 well let's go thanks a lot yeah yeah 98:00 well thanks mommy - enjoy your weekend 98:02 you too 98:06 [Music] 98:52 [Music] 99:02 [Applause] 99:04 [Music] 99:23 [Music] 99:46 [Music] 99:52 [Music]

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