List of Chinese animated films

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This is a list of Chinese animated films, sorted by year then alphabetical order. Also listed are the 20 highest-grossing Chinese animated feature films at the Chinese box office.


English Name Year Chinese Name
Shuzhendong Chinese Typewriter 1922 舒振東華文打字機
Dog Treat 1924 狗請客
New Year 1924 過年


English Name Year Chinese Name
The Camel's Dance 1935 駱駝獻舞


English Name Year Chinese Name
Princess Iron Fan 1941 鐵扇公主
Emperor's Dream 1947 皇帝夢
Go After an Easy Prey, aka Turtle Caught in a Jar 1948 甕中捉鱉


English Name Year Chinese Name
1952 小貓釣魚
Little Hero 1953 小小英雄
Pigsy Eats Watermelon 1958 豬八戒吃西瓜
Magic Brush, aka Magical Pen 1954, 1955 神筆
The Dream of Xiao Mei 1954 小梅的夢
The Proud General, aka The Conceited General 1956 驕傲的將軍
Why is the Crow Black-Coated 1956 烏鴉為甚麼是黑的
Witty Goat 1956 機智的山羊
1956 驕傲的將軍
1958 過猴山
1958 小鯉魚跳龍門
1958 木頭姑娘
Chuang Tapestry, aka Chwang Tapestry 1959 一幅僮錦
Fishing Child, aka Fisher Boy 1959 漁童
The Radish Comes Back 1959 蘿蔔回來了
1959 蜜蜂與蚯蚓
Cricket Fighting by Ji Gong 1959 濟公鬥蟋蟀
Inscription of Dragons 1959 彫龍記


English Name Year Chinese Name
A Clever Duckling 1960 聰明的鴨子
Where is Momma?, aka Little Tadpole Looks for Mamma 1960 小蝌蚪找媽媽
1960 小燕子
Havoc in Heaven, aka Uproar in Heaven 1961, 1964 大鬧天宮
Ginseng Baby 1961 人蔘娃娃
1961 誰的本領大
1962 絲腰帶
1962 等明天
1962 小溪流
Scatterbrain and Crosspath, aka Scatterbrain and Crosspatch 1962 沒頭腦和不高興
Peacock Princess 1963 孔雀公主
Golden Conch 1963 金色的海螺
The Cowherd's Flute, aka The Buffalo Boy and his Flute 1963 牧笛
1963 半夜雞叫
1964 差不多
1964 湖上歌舞
1964 紅軍橋
Campo Hero Sister 1965 草原英雄小姐妹
1965 我們愛農村
1965 畫像


English Name Year Chinese Name
1972 放學以後
Little 8th Route Army 1973 小八路
Little Sentinel of East China Sea 1973 東海小哨兵
Little Trumpeter 1973 小號手
1975 大櫓的故事
1975 渡口
1976 試航
1976 金色的大雁
1976 長在屋裡的竹筍
One Night in an Art Gallery 1978
The Fox and the Hunter, aka The Hunter Hunted 1978 狐狸打獵人
1978 兩隻小孔雀
1978 愚人買鞋
Nezha Conquers the Dragon King, aka Nezha Fights the Sea 1979 哪吒鬧海
1979 喵嗚是誰叫的
Cat Mimi 1979 好貓咪咪
1979 母雞搬家


English Name Year Chinese Name
Duckling Yaya 1980 小鴨呷呷
My Dolphin Friends 1980 我的朋友小海豚
Snow Kid, aka Snow Child 1980 雪孩子
Three Monks 1980 三个和尚
Three Wolves 1980 三隻狼
The Wolf's Banquet 1980 丁丁戰猴王
1980 老狼请客
1980 張飛審瓜
1980 娇娇的奇遇
Colour Old Master Q 1981 老夫子
The Sage of Mount Lao, aka The Taoist Priest of Laoshan 1981 嶗山道士
The Nine-Color Deer 1981 九色鹿
Reed Pipe, aka Mr. Nan Guo, Nanguo the Musician 1981 南郭先生
Story of Effendi, aka Avanti 1981 - 1988 阿凡提的故事
Monkeys Fishing on the Moon, aka Monkeys Chasing the Moon 1981 猴子撈月
Ginseng Fruit, aka The Monkey King and the Fruit of Immortality 1981 人參果
1981 咕咚來了
1981 善良的夏吾冬
1981 摔香爐
1981 真假李逵
1981 蛐蛐
The Deer's Bell, aka Lu Ling 1982 鹿鈴
Old Master Q Water Tiger 1982 老夫子水虎傳
The Naughty 1982 淘氣的金絲猴
1982 假如我是武松
1982 小熊貓學木匠
1982 小紅臉和小藍臉
1982 抬驢
1982 狐狸送葡萄
1982 瓷娃娃
Fox and the Bear 1983
Old Master Q 1983 老夫子
Passing the Bridge 1983 過橋
The Butterfly Spring 1983 蝴蝶泉
The Fight Between the Snipe and the Clam, aka The Snipe and the Oyster 1983 鷸蚌相爭
Legend of Sealed Book, aka Secrets of the Heavenly Book 1983 天書奇譚
1983 老豬選貓
The Mouse Marries, aka The Mouse and His Bride 1983 老鼠嫁女
1983 長了腿的芒果
Black Cat Detective, aka Marshall the Black Cat 1984 黑貓警長
Happy Numbers 1984
Monkey King Conquers the Demon, aka The Monkey King and the Skeleton Ghost 1984 - 1985 金猴降妖
Wandering of Sanmao 1984 三毛流浪記
36 Characters 1984 三十六個字
Fire Child 1984 火童
Crocodile, Witch and the little Girl 1985 巫婆、鱷魚、小姑娘
1984 西嶽奇童
1985 女媧補天
Strawman 1985 草人
1985 夾子救鹿
1985 水鹿
New Doorbell 1986 新装的门铃
The Adventures of Sloppy King 1986 - 1987 邋遢大王奇遇記
Super Soap 1986 超级肥皂
1986 大掃除
Calabash Brothers, aka Hulu Brothers 1987 葫芦娃
The Emperor Selects a Beauty 1987 选美记
1987 不怕冷的大衣
1987 《擒魔傳》
1987 長大尾巴的兔子
Little Pig 1988 孤獨的小豬
Real Effendi 1988 真假阿凡提
A Story in Summertime, aka Mantis Stalks Cicada 1988 螳螂捕蟬
Feeling from Mountain and Water, aka Mountains and Rivers 1988 山水情
Fushanosha 1988 不射之射
Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea 1988 八仙與跳蚤
1988 強者上鉤
Fish Dish 1988 魚盤
Reineke Fuchs, aka Reynard the Fox 1989 狐狸列那
Calabash Brothers 1989 - 1990 葫蘆小金剛
1989 - 1992 舒克和貝塔
1989 牛冤
1989 - 1990 奇異的蒙古馬
1989 獨木橋


English Name Year Chinese Name
Deer and Buffalo, aka Deer and Bull 1990 鹿與牛
1990 一半兒
1990 森林小鳥和我
1990 舒克和貝塔
1991 醫生與皇帝
1991 抬驢
1991 眉間尺
Goose: the video 1991 雁陣
Music Island 1992
Princess Lotus 1992 蓮花公主
1992 十二隻蚊子和五個人
1992 麻雀選大王
1992 - 1993 特別車隊
1992 舒克和貝塔——第十二集羅丘遇難
1992 誰怕誰
1992 誰是冠軍
1992 舒克和貝塔——第十三集人鼠之戰
1992 舒克和貝塔——第十一集秘密武器
1992 橋下拾履
1992 小黃鼠狼的故事
1992 古書新說
1992 怪老頭兒
1992 怪老頭兒 爸爸就是爸爸
1992 怪老頭兒 鼻子
1992 怪老頭兒 我的代表
1992 大氣球
1992 春天裡的小田鼠
1992 狐狸分餅
Cat and Rat 1992 貓與鼠
1992 漠風
1992 魔方大廈第四集蜻蜓飛行團
1992 魔方大廈第五集三探櫻桃塔
Deer Girl 1993 鹿女
Pistachio Nuts 1993 開心果
1993 葫蘆小金剛
1993 魔方大廈第九集科洛城
1993 魔方大廈第八集頭盔城
1993 紅鼻子第一集比吃公開賽
1993 隱身探長第一集夢幻花
1993 小和尚第一集游方僧
1993 小黃鼬的故事
1993 十二生肖第二集機靈鼠
1993 十二生肖第三集大力牛
1993 十二生肖第四集
1993 十二生肖第一集闖妖洞
Kid Monkey and Kid Pigsy 1994
1994 隱身探長第二集恐龍蛋
1994 珍珠泉
1994 紅鼻子第二集菜譜惹麻煩
1994 胡僧
1994 魔方大廈第十集黑蟬樂隊
1994 哭鼻子大王
Cyber Weapon Z 1995 超神Z
Little Heroes, aka Young Heroes 1995 - 1996 自古英雄出少年
The Blue Mouse and the Big Faced Cat 1995 藍皮鼠和大臉貓
1995 十二生肖第八集雪白馬
Journey to the Fantasy World 1996 西遊漫記
1996 神馬與腰刀
Sun Moon Lake 1996 日月潭
Jingjing the Panda 1996 熊貓京京
Little God of Confusion 1997
Kingdom of Ginseng 1997 人參王國
1997 神笛
1997 妖樹與松鼠
A Chinese Ghost Story: The Tsui Hark Animation, aka Xiao Qian 1997 小倩
Big Head Son and Small Head Dad 1997, 2001 大頭兒子和小頭爸爸
Kerabans phantastische Reise, aka Kerabans Fantastic Journey 1997
1997 傻鴨子歐巴兒
1997 l的旅程
1997 開心街
1997 月亮街
1998 阿笨貓
1998 小糊塗神
Dragon Guardian 1998
Korla Pear 1998 庫爾勒香梨
Little Grey Bean 1998
Piggy Heng-Heng 1998
Reise um die Erde in 80 Tagen, aka Around the World in 80 days 1998 八十天環遊地球
Snow Fox' 1998 雪狐
Spoony Cat 1998 阿笨猫
The Girl and The Monster 1998 潑水節
Toys Family 1998
Torch Festival 1998 火把節
1998 學問貓教漢字
1998 怎麼來的
Haier Brothers 1998 海爾兄弟
1998 紅石峰
3000 Whys of Blue Cat 1999 藍貓淘氣3000問
Animated Karoke 1999, 2000, 2002
Jay-Jay Bear and Di-Di Bird 1999
Legends of Monkey King 1999 西遊記
Lotus Lantern 1999 寶蓮燈
Reise zum Mond, Die' 1999
The Little God and Little Fairy 1999
The Space Police 1999
Trip on the Moon 1999 登月之旅
Wonder Boy 1999 霹靂貝貝
1999 熊貓小貝
1999 的篤小和尚


English Name Year Chinese Name
Adventure of Kitty Bei 2000
Feifei's Jobs 2000
Magic Umbrella 2000 可可的魔傘
Moon Street 2000
Music Boat 2000
The Quick Detective 2000
Across the Desert 2001
City Field Platoon 2001
Father and Son 2001
Music Up, aka Crazy for the Song 2001 我為歌狂
My Life as McDull 2001 麥兜故事
The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea 2001
The Fighting Against the Millennium Bug 2001
Fünf Wochen im Ballon 2001
Legend of the Sacred Stone 2001 聖石傳說
Chestnut Dog and Banana Fox 2001
Our Homeland 2001
We're from North 2001
Coco-Cosin's Family 2002
Little Tiger's Way Home 2002
Master Q: Incredible Pet Detective 2003 老夫子
McDull, Prince de la Bun 2004 麥兜菠蘿油王子
The Butterfly Lovers 2004 梁山伯與祝英台
Zentrix 2004
DragonBlade 2005 龍刀奇緣
Panda Monium 2005 魔豆傳奇
Little Soldier Zhang Ga Zhang Ga, The Soldier Boy 2005 小兵張嘎
Rest On Your Shoulder 2005
The Dreaming Girl 2005 夢裡人
Thru the Moebius Strip 2005 魔比斯環
I Go Youngster 2005
Century Sonny 2006 精靈世紀
Devil Soldiers in Mao-er Mountain 2006 帽兒山的鬼子兵
Saving Mother 2006 西嶽奇童
SkyEye 2006 天眼
The Warrior 2006 黃飛鴻勇闖天下
Tortoise Hanba's Stories, aka Hanbagui 2006, 2007 憨八龜的故事
Wanderings of Sanmao 2006 三毛流浪記
The Big Fighting between Wukong and God Erlang 2007
Monkey King vs. Er Lang Shen 2007 孫悟空大戰二郎神
Sparkling Red Star 2007 閃閃的紅星 孩子的天空
Storm Rider Clash of the Evils 2008 風雲決
Young go master 2008 圍棋少年
A Jewish Girl in Shanghai 2010
Piercing I 2010


English Name Year Chinese Name
The Dragon Knight 2011 洛克王国之圣龙骑士
Kuiba 2011 魁拔
Little Big Panda[1] 2011 熊猫总动员
Seer 2011
The Grow 2012 金箍棒传奇
I Love Wolffy 2012 我爱灰太狼
Seer 2[2] 2012 赛尔号大电影2之雷伊与迈尔斯
Happy Heroes 2013 开心超人
I Love Wolffy 2 2013 我爱灰太狼2
Jungle Master 2013 绿林大冒险
Kunta[3] 2013 昆塔:盒子总动员
Roco Kingdom: The Desire of Dragon 2013 洛克王国2圣龙的心愿
Seer the Movie 3: Heroes Alliance[4] 2013 赛尔号大电影2之雷伊与迈尔斯
The Ultimate Task[5] 2013 终极大冒险
The Adventures of Sinbad 2 2014 辛巴达历险记2
Armor Hero Atlas[6] 2014
Dragon Nest: Warrior’s Dawn 2014 龙之谷:破晓奇兵
The Legend of Qin 2014 秦时明月3D电影龙腾万里
Farm House 81 Ⅱ[7] 2014
The Firefox of Bunnington Burrows[8] 2014
Food War[9] 2014
GG Bond 2 2014 猪猪侠之勇闯巨人岛
Happy Heroes 2 Qiyuan Planet Wars[10] 2014
Happy Little Submarines 4: Adventure of Octopus 2014 潜艇总动员4:章鱼奇遇记
Kuiba 3[11] 2014
Legend Of The Moles: The Magic Train Adventure[12] 2014
The Lost 15 Boys: The Big Adventure on Pirates' Island[13] 2014
Magic Wonderland 2014 魔幻仙踪
The Magical Brush[14] 2014
Mc Dull·Me & My Mum[15] 2014
One Hundred Thousand Bad Jokes[16] 2014 十万个冷笑话
Roco Kingdom 3[17] 2014 洛克王国3:圣龙的守护
Seer 4[18] 2014 赛尔号大电影4:圣魔之战
Shi Er Sheng Xiao Cheng Shi Ying Xiong 2014 十二生肖城市英雄
Snow White The Power of Dwarfs 2014
Tale of the Rally[19] 2014
Xin DaTou Er Zi He Xiao Tou Ba Ba Zhi Mi Mi Ji Hua[20] 2014
108 Demon Kings[21][22] 2015
10000 Years Later[23] 2015 一万年以后
Alibaba and the Thief[24] 2015 阿里巴巴:大盗奇兵
Aola Star[25] 2015 奥拉星:进击圣殿
Bicycle Boy[26] 2015 龙骑侠
Brave Rabbit 2 Crazy Circus[27] 2015 闯堂兔2疯狂马戏团
Deity Hunt/God Hunter[28] 2015 西游后传
The Grow 2[29] 2015 金箍棒传奇2:沙僧的逆袭
Happy Little Submarine Magic Box of Time[30] 2015 潜艇总动员5:时光宝盒
The Invincible Piglet[31] (live action/animation) 2015 无敌小飞猪
Kung Fu Style[32] 2015 特功明星
The Legend of Lucky Pie 2015 [33]
Legend of the Moles – The Magic Train Adventure[34] 2015
Legend of a Rabbit: The Martial of Fire[35] 2015 兔侠之青黎传说
Mr. Black: Green Star 2015 黑猫警长之翡翠之星
Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf – Amazing Pleasant Goat[36] 2015
Polar Adventure[37] 2015 极地大反攻
Rabbit Hero[38] 2015 超能兔战队
Teenage Mao Zedong[39] 2015 少年毛泽东
Where's the Dragon?[40] 2015 龙在哪里?
Big Fish & Chinese Flowering Crabapple[41] 2016 大鱼海棠
Dragon Nest: Throne of Elves[42] 2016
Kung Fu Panda 3 2016
Master Jiang and the Six Kingdoms 2016 [43]
Smart 2016 [44]
Spiny Life[45] 2016 天生我刺
Beast of Burden[46] 2017
Untitled Oriental DreamWorks film 2017
SXD: Middle Kingdom (working title)[46] 2018
Kong - The Origin TBA [47]
Little Door Spirits TBA [48]

Highest-grossing films

The following are the 20 highest-grossing Chinese animated feature films in China. Gross in million yuan.

Rank Title Gross Year Ref.
1 Monkey King: Hero Is Back 955.944 2015 [49]
2 Boonie Bears: Mystical Winter 295.347 2015 [50]
3 Boonie Bears: To the Rescue 247.869 2014 [51]
4 Mission Incredible: Adventures on the Dragon's Trail 167.556 2012 [52]
5 Moon Castle: The Space Adventure 139.250 2011 [53]
6 The Mythical Ark: Adventures in Love & Happiness 124.939 2013 [54]
7 Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf: The Tiger Prowess 124.383 2010 [55]
8 One Hundred Thousand Bad Jokes 119.611 2014 [56]
9 Meet the Pegasus 86.204 2014 [57]
10 The Super Snail Adventure 82.793 2009 [58]
11 Roco Kingdom 4 76.953 2015 [59]
12 Seer the Movie 3: Heroes Alliance 76.449 2013 [60]
13 I Love Wolffy 2 75.509 2013 [61]
14 Little Door Gods 75.275 2016 [62]
15 I Love Wolffy 72.221 2012 [63]
16 Mr. Black: Green Star 69.921 2015 [64]
17 Roco Kingdom: The Desire of Dragon 69.521 2013 [65]
18 Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf – Amazing Pleasant Goat 67.744 2015 [66]
19 Kwai Boo 64.174 2015 [67]
20 Seer 4 62.306 2014 [68]

See also


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